




职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:fù zhí







  1. 恢复原职。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·纰漏》:“亲近惮 劭 贞正,譖云谤毁国事,被詰责,后还,復职。” 宋 韩淲 《涧泉日记》卷中:“ 靖国 初,起知 袞州 ,復职知 潁昌 。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·崔秀才》:“夫 廉将军 免官客去, 翟廷尉 復职客来,人情自昔然也。” 蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》:“说停职,还没停一个月又要复职。”



  1. Now the rear admiral has said he feels vindicated by his reinstatement and that he'll push for stability and reconciliation.


  2. But it provided cover for the United States to change course and declare that it would recognise the result of the election.


  3. The foreign minister said he is innocent of any wrongdoing, and predicted that he will return.


  4. All Latin American countries and Spain (although not the United States) have withdrawn their ambassadors pending Mr Zelaya's reinstatement.


  5. He wanted the return of his job, which he had lost after accusations of extortion and robbery.


  6. He has demanded the restoration of 60 judges sacked by the former dictator in November, under cover of a state of emergency.


  7. The gunman, a senior inspector reported to have been sacked over robbery and drugs claims, is demanding his job back, local media say.


  8. He turned to my publisher again and demanded to know if he was willing to offer me my job back. The publisher said yes.


  9. Now at least they get 12 weeks, albeit unpaid, after which most return to work fairly promptly.


  1. 他复职的请求未获准。

    His request for reinstatement was disapproved.

  2. 他的复职受到广泛的支持。

    His return to the office was widely approved of.

  3. 但塞拉亚怎样才能复职?

    But how might that come about?

  4. 巴基斯坦被解职法官将复职

    Agreement Announced to Reinstate Deposed Pakistani Judges

  5. 我们坚持让那位上校复职。

    We insisted on the reinstatement of the colonel.

  6. 我们坚持让那位上校复职。

    We insisted on the reinstatement of the colonel.

  7. 工会要求给解雇的工人们复职。

    The union demands that the sacked workers shall be reinstated.

  8. 那名军官复职重掌指挥权。

    The officer has been restored to his command.

  9. 有些人正在活动, 要让你复职。

    There was a campaign afoot to reinstate you.

  10. 商行把那个冤枉开除了的员工复职了。

    The firm reinstated the man who was wrongly dismissed.

  11. 我知道你在上次会议上已经复职了。

    I know you got back at the last conference.

  12. 父母们呼吁给她复职,但结果却只是徒劳。

    Parents campaigned in vain for her reinstatement.

  13. 但是, 与他的同事们不同的是, 他没有被复职。

    Unlike his colleagues, however, he had not been reinstated.

  14. 我已经提交了申请让你有条件地复职

    I've already put in the request for your limited reinstatement

  15. 在经过了12年的法律抗争之后,他于2007年复职。

    After a legal battle lasting 12 years he was reinstated in 2007.

  16. 他控诉解雇他没有公正和充分的理由,要求复职。

    He complained that his dismissal was without just and sufficient cause and sought reinstatement.

  17. 一年后我们会对复职申请予以考虑和批准。

    After a year we will sympathetically consider an application for reinstatement.

  18. 查韦斯称他的朋友几近全愈,可以复职了。

    Chavez says his friend is nearly healthy enough to place forth.

  19. 查韦斯称他得朋友几近全愈,可以复职了。

    Chavez says his friend is nearly healthy enough to place forth.

  20. 两名工作人员被立即暂停职务, 其中一名后来被复职。

    Two staff members were immediately suspended, one of whom was subsequently reinstated.

  21. 迄今已有51名科索沃塞族人复职,并支领了工资。

    To date,51 Kosovo Serbs have been reinstated and their salaries have been paid.

  22. 伍德福德说, 如果他重新复职, 公司将会迅速的发生变化。

    If he were reinstated, Mr. Woodford said, change at the company would be swift.

  23. 他此前因遭指控敲诈, 抢劫而丢了饭碗, 现在想要复职。

    He wanted the return of his job, which he had lost after accusations of extortion and robbery.

  24. 因为补偿以两年净基薪为限, 所以工作人员很少复职。

    Because compensation was limited to two years'net base salary, staff members were rarely reinstated.

  25. 帕默需要继续投入到竞选活动中去, 他命令薛潘将杰克复职。

    Palmer, who needs to get back to the campaign, orders Chappelle to reinstate Jack to his position.


  1. 问:复职拼音怎么拼?复职的读音是什么?复职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复职的读音是fùzhí,复职翻译成英文是 to resume one's post; be reinstated

  2. 问:复职的拼音怎么拼?复职的的读音是什么?复职的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复职的的读音是,复职的翻译成英文是 rehabilitative

  3. 问:复职前工资拼音怎么拼?复职前工资的读音是什么?复职前工资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复职前工资的读音是fù zhí qián gōng zī,复职前工资翻译成英文是 backpay

  4. 问:复职控制办公室拼音怎么拼?复职控制办公室的读音是什么?复职控制办公室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复职控制办公室的读音是fù zhí kòng zhì bàn gōng shì,复职控制办公室翻译成英文是 Restoration Control Office