







汉语拼音:qǐ bìng









  1. 病愈。

    《晏子春秋·谏上九》:“ 晏子 起病而见公。” 张纯一 注:“起病,病愈也。”《醒世恒言·卢太学诗酒傲王侯》:“那知县一来是新起病的人,元神未復;二来连日沉酣糟粕,趁着酒兴,未免走了酒字下这道儿;三来这晚露坐夜深,着了些风寒:三合凑又病起来。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷五:“余起病补官,年未四十。”

  2. 谓人病愈后亲友设宴招待、赠送物品表示祝贺。

    《水浒传》第六四回:“这里却説 梁中书 在城中,正与 索超 起病饮酒。”《醒世恒言·勘皮靴单证二郎神》:“太尉夫妻好生欢喜,办下酒席,一当起病,一当送行。”

  3. 治病。

    明 叶宪祖 《丹桂钿盒》第五折:“起病从来须妙药,合婚必定用良媒。” 明 李贽 《曹公》之二:“夫文章可以起病,是天下之良药不从口入而从心授也。”

  4. 生病;得病。

    《醒世恒言·薛录事鱼服证仙》:“当下夫人备将起病根由尽数説与太医知道。” 明 高攀龙 《语》:“千病万痛,有一不起病於身者乎?” 巴金 《春》二五:“不晓得是怎样起病的。”



  1. Conclusion Senile chronic obstructive lung disease complicated by spontaneous pneumothorax is often a threat to life.


  2. Yue Guang came to see him and asked about the cause of his disease .


  3. The onset is usually gradual and associated with anorexia , lethargy .


  4. The most common scenario is hematogenous dissemination from a distant focus of infection, which is usually in the urinary tract.


  5. In most cases, the illness has occurred suddenly, followed by the resolution of symptoms within a few hours.


  6. Infectious bronchitis generally begins with the symptoms of a common cold: runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, and chilliness.


  7. BACKGROUNDThe human pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly malignancies with silence onset, rapid progress and poor prognosis.


  8. The onset age of patients varies from birth to adolescence, mostly in childhood.


  9. Since the onset of hypertension patients of different ages, the impact on the prognosis varies widely.


  1. 卒中式起病

    apoplectic onset.

  2. 起病缓慢而隐匿。

    The onset of the diseaseis slow and latent.

  3. 着急得生起病来

    stew oneself into an illness

  4. 急性起病的血管性痴呆

    acute onset vascular dementia

  5. 你起病时发冷发烧吗?

    Did you have chills and fever at the onset?

  6. 你起病以来一直咳嗽吗?

    Have you ever been coughing since the onset?

  7. 安妮一到家就生起病来。

    No sooner had Anne arrived there she fell ill.

  8. 他刚到达那里就生起病来。

    He had no sooner arrived there than he fell ill.

  9. 大夫们不能确定她起病的原因。

    The doctors were unable to assign a cause for her illness.

  10. 而老年糖尿病患者起病隐匿,病程长而缓慢。

    And misprision of elderly patients with diabetes onset, duration long and slow.

  11. 以腹泻, 喘憋起病的纵隔囊肿一例

    A case of mediastinal cysts with initial symptom of diarrhea and wheezing

  12. 起病表现提示大脑半球多灶、不对称损害。

    Expression having disease hints hemishere much kitchen, asymmetry is damaged.

  13. 起病大多突然,全身症状较重而呼吸症状较轻。

    Most of sudden onset, and symptoms of systemic and respiratory symptoms less serious.

  14. 按起病的急缓又分为急性和慢性心力衰竭。

    Divide again by the urgent delay that has disease for acute and chronic heart failure.

  15. 皮肤过敏通常在起病后三,四周内不会出现。

    Dermal hypersensitivity usually does not develop until three to four weeks after onset.

  16. 自发酮症起病的肥胖糖尿病患者的临床特征及分型

    Clinical characteristics and classification of obese diabetic patients with unprovoked ketosis

  17. 社交恐怖症通常起病于青少年期,男女都可能出现。

    Social phobia onset usually in adolescence, men and women are likely to occur.

  18. 汤姆倒霉透了,正要去海滨度假,却生起病来了。

    It was a very bad break for Tom that he fell ill just before he was to go on holiday at the seaside.

  19. 不同起病部位肌萎缩侧索硬化患者的肌电图研究

    Study of EMG in ALS patients with initiative symptoms in different site

  20. 以急性出血性脑卒中起病的脑转移瘤的诊治分析

    Analysis of Diagnosis and Treatment of Brain Metastases, of which, Onset Was as Acute Hemorrhagic Stroke

  21. 结果本例患者临床表现为急性起病,头昏,恶心,呕吐

    Results The clinical features of the patient included acute onset, paroxysmal dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

  22. 高血压病人早期常无感觉,往往悄然起病并造成突发事件。

    Early patients with high blood pressure often feel, often quietly and cause onset emergencies.

  23. 为了让老百姓看得起病, 政府把医疗服务的价格定得很低。

    To make health care accessible, the government keeps the prices of medical services very low.

  24. 呕吐起病急骤,常先有恶心,继之则呕吐,呕吐物多为胃内容物。

    The disease since vomiting is urgent suddenly, chang Xianyou is disgusting, a vomiting of afterwards, puke is gastric content content more.