






1. 量 [liáng]2. 量 [liàng]量 [liáng]确定、计测东西的多少、长短、高低、深浅、远近等的器具:~具。~杯。~筒。~角器。用计测器具或其他作为标准的东西确定、计测:计~。测~。~度。~体温。估计,揣测:估~。思~。打……



汉语拼音:nián chǎn liàng






  1. 指一年生产的数量。

    毛泽东 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》:“解放前五十多年间,全国除东北外,钢的生产一直只有几万吨;加上东北,全国的最高年产量也不过是九十多万吨。”



  1. Oil production is falling by up to 10% a year, and proven reserves are now equal to just 13 years of current output.


  2. Rio is in an expansion phase and in the next few years they should go over 300m tonnes [of iron ore a year].


  3. "I've read that if the output of coal-to-liquid plants could reach 50 million tonnes a year, then China's energy problems would be solved. "


  4. That switch introduces a new set of buyers that are capable of soaking up a significant portion of the world's annual gold production.


  5. How much is your annual production of peanut oil?


  6. Its Guangzhou plant can produce about 350, 000 vehicles a year and makes the company's Camry sedans, among other models.


  7. The company will use the proceeds of its offering to construct two plants to triple its annual production capacity by the end of 2013.


  8. Rolls-Royce said the introduction of a new smaller and entry-level model will likely increase annual output to roughly 1, 600 cars.


  9. Others aim to be. China, the world's biggest producer at around 130m tonnes a year, is largely self-sufficient.


  1. 钢的年产量

    The annual output of steel

  2. 推荐产品年产量

    Annual output of the certified product

  3. 年产量约计50万吨。

    The yearly output approximates to 500 000 tons.

  4. 按比例提高钢的年产量

    Scale up the annual output of steel

  5. 这些举措有助于提高年产量。

    These measures tend to increase the annual output.

  6. 第二年产量又开始上升了。

    Output picked up again in the following year.

  7. 他正在猜测该场的年产量。

    He is guessing the annual output of the factory.

  8. 1961年,'大众'车的年产量达到100万辆。

    In 1961, production reached a million VW cars a year.

  9. 结果,我们的年产量大大地提高了。

    As a result, the annual output has been greatly increased.

  10. 此地区的湟鱼年产量为全国之首。

    The annual output of Gymnocypris przewalskii in this area ranks first in the country.

  11. 自1992年以来, 电冰箱得年产量增加了3倍

    The annual output of the refrigerators has been increased by a factor of four since 1992.

  12. 自1992年以来,电冰箱的年产量增加了3倍

    The annual output of the refrigerators has been increased by a factor of four since 1992.

  13. 人手不足已使我们厂的年产量减少。

    Shortage of hands has shrunk our plant's yearly output.

  14. 年产量6000套。可按客户设计开模制作。

    The output every year is 6000 sets. We can produce as client s requirements.

  15. 煤炭年产量一年中减少到原来得四分之一。

    The yearly output of coal was quartered in a year.

  16. 煤炭年产量一年中减少到原来的四分之一。

    The yearly output of coal was quartered in a year.

  17. 该工厂得袖珍计算机年产量约为五万台。

    The yearly output pf the portable computers in the factory approximates to 50, 000.

  18. 该工厂的袖珍计算机年产量约为五万台。

    The yearly output pf the portable computers in the factory approximates to 50, 000.

  19. 在年产量方面,这个国家落后于欧洲其他国家。

    In terms of annual production, the country has dropped behind the rest of europe.

  20. 全国经济林产品年产量达到6700多万吨,居世界第一。

    The annual output of economic forest products has surpassed 6,700 tons, ranking first in the world.

  21. 这里小麦同水稻的年产量约为一与三之比。

    Here the annual yield of wheat and rice is in a ratio of about one to three.

  22. 一般的蓝莓园, 每英亩的年产量在七到八吨左右。

    Yields can be as high as 20 tons per acre , although yields of 7 to 8 TA are typical of mature plantings.

  23. 那等于一座高30英尺造价昂贵的转炉的年产量,真了不起!

    Thats as much as the output of a costly converter, thirty feet high, really wonderful!

  24. 全世界稻米的年产量超过3亿公吨,大部分产自远东。

    World production exceeds 300 million metric tons annually, mostly from Far East.

  25. 附件中请查收图纸与1月8日报价。年产量也列在里面。

    Pls find attached drawings and quote by Jan 08. The yearly volume is listed below.

  26. 公司现拥有剑杆织机六十余台,年产量在200万米以上。

    The company now has more than 60 sets rapier, annual output more than 2 million meters.

  27. 海洋生物学家认为,全世界年产量可能达到1亿5千万公吨。

    Marine biologists believe annual global fish yield of 150 million metric tons is attainable. Current annual fish harvest is about 70 million metric tons.

  28. 自从改进了设备技术,我们的年产量由以前的3万吨上升到了6万吨。

    Since we improved the facilities and technology, annual output has risen to 60,000 tons from 30,000 tons.

  29. 公司拥有世界一流的数控加工中心,一期年产量可达200,000支刀具。

    Yearly capacity for the 1st stage is around 200,000 pcs of cutting tools.

  30. 印度希望在未来五年内产量翻一倍。

    India hopes to double production in the next five years.


  1. 问:年产量拼音怎么拼?年产量的读音是什么?年产量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年产量的读音是nián chǎn liàng,年产量翻译成英文是 annual production