


1. 筑 [zhù]2. 筑 [zhú]筑 [zhù]捣土的杵:“项王伐齐,身负板~,以为士卒先”。建造,修盖:修~。建~。构~。居室:“畏人成小~,褊性合幽栖”。古代弦乐器,形似琴,有十三弦。演奏时,左手按弦的一端,右手执竹尺击弦发音。筑……





汉语拼音:zhù dī








  1. Happy Happy McCann control initiative, desire to hold the gate mouth water embankment.


  2. There were prisoners out cutting pulpwood, prisoners repairing bridges and causeways, prisoners constructing potato cellars.


  3. Dragon Castle Peak The final long-cherished wish is to Long Yangcheng embankment slope protection, eternal Long Yang Road people safe.


  4. where there was no water.


  5. Centuries of rebuilding using sun-dried mud-bricks resulted in high mounds , or Tells, rising above the fields and canals.


  6. Pile-forming is reliable by using impact hammer, adding parabolic fill and building dikes as the protective wall.


  7. levees are needed in floodplains , where soils tend to be wet and can change every 100 yards along a proposed route.


  8. Topsoil excavated from the work site shall be applied onto the gabions .


  9. The flood made people realize the importance and urgency of rebuilding the dike.


  1. 筑堤以堵截水流。

    Bank up a stream

  2. 筑堤挡住河水。

    Bank up a river.

  3. 筑堤防河水泛滥

    to bund a river

  4. 沿河筑堤防洪水

    bank up the river to prevent flooding

  5. 筑堤保护田地以防止洪水。

    Dike the land to protect it from water.

  6. 粉细砂筑堤技术探讨

    Approach on constructing dikes with fine sand

  7. 筑堤防护筑堤以限制, 支持或保护

    To confine, support, or protect with an embankment.

  8. 粉细砂筑堤技术综述

    Overview of Levee Construction Technique with Fine Sands

  9. 将为此湖筑堤以防洪水。

    The lake will be dyked to avert floods.

  10. 让我们来筑堤防河水。

    Let us dam the river.

  11. 劳动人民尽最大努力筑堤防洪。

    The labouring people tried their best to dam the river.

  12. 我们已沿河筑堤以防河水泛滥。

    We have banked up the river to prevent flooding.

  13. 我们在雨季给这条河筑堤。

    We bank the river during the rainy season.

  14. 我们在雨季给这条河筑堤。

    We bank the river during the rainy season.

  15. 村民们在河边筑堤以防河水泛滥。

    The villagers banked up the river to prevent flooding.

  16. 卡车冲出筑堤, 司机险些丧命。

    A lorry driver narrowly escaped with his life after the lorry flipped over the embankment.

  17. 卡车冲出筑堤,司机险些丧命。

    A lorry driver narrowly escaped with his life after the lorry flipped over the embankment.

  18. 爆炸挤淤法筑堤中的土工问题

    Geotechnical Problems in Breakwater Construction by Blasting Mud Removal Method.

  19. 吹填粉细砂筑堤实践与研究

    Practice and Study in Fine Sand Hydraulic Filling for Diking

  20. 海狸因其会在水流中筑堤而闻名。

    Beavers are noted for their skill in building dams across streams.

  21. 软基快速筑堤关键技术的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Key Technology About Rapid Embankment on Soft Foundation

  22. 男孩们筑堤拦住小溪, 建了一个游泳池。

    The boys would dam up the stream to create a swimming pool.

  23. 男孩们筑堤拦住小溪,建了一个游泳池。

    The boys would dam up the stream to create a swimming pool.

  24. 最好在河边筑堤,下个月雨水会很多。

    It would be better to bank the river; it will rain a lot next month.

  25. 最好在河边筑堤,下个月雨水会很多。

    It would be better to bank the river; it will rain a lot next month.

  26. 这些土筑堤埝根本起不到防洪作用。

    These earth dykes can't hold against floods.

  27. 这些土筑堤埝根本起不到防洪作用。

    These earth dykes can't hold against floods.

  28. 筑堤围栏, 筑堤防护用小土丘或堤坝来分隔, 保护

    To border or protect with a ridge or embankment.

  29. 这些土筑堤岸根本起不到防洪作用。

    These earth dykes cannot hold against floods.

  30. 围海工程滩涂的软土特性与筑堤技术

    Character of seacoast soft soil and technique of building dike on reclaimed land from the sea


  1. 问:筑堤拼音怎么拼?筑堤的读音是什么?筑堤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筑堤的读音是zhùdī,筑堤翻译成英文是 To build a dyke.

  2. 问:筑堤官拼音怎么拼?筑堤官的读音是什么?筑堤官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筑堤官的读音是zhù dī guān,筑堤官翻译成英文是 levee commissioner

  3. 问:筑堤权拼音怎么拼?筑堤权的读音是什么?筑堤权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筑堤权的读音是zhù dī quán,筑堤权翻译成英文是 mundbriech

  4. 问:筑堤围堵拼音怎么拼?筑堤围堵的读音是什么?筑堤围堵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筑堤围堵的读音是,筑堤围堵翻译成英文是 embank

  5. 问:筑堤围池拼音怎么拼?筑堤围池的读音是什么?筑堤围池翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筑堤围池的读音是zhù dī wéi chí,筑堤围池翻译成英文是 leveed pond

  6. 问:筑堤工人拼音怎么拼?筑堤工人的读音是什么?筑堤工人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筑堤工人的读音是zhù dī gōng rén,筑堤工人翻译成英文是 diker

  7. 问:筑堤工程拼音怎么拼?筑堤工程的读音是什么?筑堤工程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筑堤工程的读音是zhù dī gōng chéng,筑堤工程翻译成英文是 embankment

  8. 问:筑堤护岸拼音怎么拼?筑堤护岸的读音是什么?筑堤护岸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筑堤护岸的读音是zhù dī hù àn,筑堤护岸翻译成英文是 leveed bank

  9. 问:筑堤防堵拼音怎么拼?筑堤防堵的读音是什么?筑堤防堵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:筑堤防堵的读音是zhù dī fáng dǔ,筑堤防堵翻译成英文是 embank



拼音:zhù dī

注音:ㄓㄨˋ ㄉㄧ


解释:[build a dike;bank] 修筑或加固河堤或海堤