


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……





汉语拼音:nèi shāng








  1. 心中悲痛。

    《楚辞·九章·悲回风》:“悲回风之摇蕙兮,心冤结而内伤。” 唐 杜甫 《入衡州》诗:“恕己独在此,多忧增内伤。”《清史稿·后妃传·高宗孝贤皇后》:“致黯然以内伤兮,遂邈尔而长逝。”

  2. 中医学名词。指七情过极、劳累过度、饮食不调等原因所引起的脏气损伤。


  3. 中医学名词。泛指因跌、打、挤、碰等引起的血、气、脏腑、经络等的损伤。

    老舍 《四世同堂》三三:“他很怕两腿是受了内伤,永远不能行走!”



  1. Police said he suffered internal injuries and was confirmed dead by doctors at a nearby hospital.


  2. Jingjing, meanwhile, tried to comfort William. His internal injuries were dragging him relentlessly toward death.


  3. Little 8 old womens hurry to take a medicine to come over and all threw up blood, don't know as well isn't an internal injury.


  4. If you notice any of the signs of internal injury (see below), call your doctor immediately.


  5. That 2-and-a-half-month-old baby died of internal injuries sustained during the rape, said Ms. Kandeh.


  6. Stagnation of vital energy results from the internal injury of the seven emotions, and disharmony of liver and spleen, etc.


  7. If your child can't be awakened or shows any signs of internal injury (see below), call the doctor or an ambulance.


  8. This sickness works as the resolution external disease factors cough and the internal injury cough.


  9. A post-mortem examination revealed that the person died not from burns, but from massive internal injuries.


  1. 内伤脾胃病

    internal injury spleen and stomach theory.

  2. 内伤肩背痛

    shoulder and back pain with internal injury.

  3. 你终生都会有内伤

    You'll have internal injuries for the rest of your life.

  4. 断层扫描显示没有内伤

    CAT scan revealed no internal injuries.

  5. 内伤头痛辨治体会

    Realization in differentiated syndrome therapy for headache due to interior injury

  6. 不然会憋出内伤的。

    Repressing your feelings is not healthy.

  7. 不然会憋出内伤的。

    Repressing your feelings is not healthy.

  8. 我和格蕾负责内伤

    Grey and I will correct the internal injuries.

  9. 还会导致严重的内伤。

    And cause massive internal injurie.

  10. 大夫说她可能有内伤。

    The doctor says she may have internal injuries.

  11. 我想看一下内伤和外伤。

    I wanna see the entry and exit wounds.

  12. 脑挫伤伴开放性颅内伤

    Contusion of brain with open intracranial wound

  13. 司机在事故中受了内伤。

    The driver received internal injuries in the accident.

  14. 有内伤的迹象,把东西撤走

    Signs of internal injury. Clear this out.

  15. 出血一定是有内伤的缘故。

    The bleeding must be coming from an internal injury.

  16. 但说不定已经受了什么内伤。

    But you might've been hurt internally.

  17. 外伤比内伤更容易得到谅解。

    An injury is forgiven more easily than an insult.

  18. 严重冻伤 但是没有明显的内伤

    Severe frostbite, but no obvious internal injuries.

  19. 这些类型的碰撞引起的脑内伤。

    These types of collisions result in internal injuries within the brain.

  20. 我的头部受了伤也受了内伤

    I had head injures. I had internal injuries.

  21. 暗爽到内伤是什么样的感觉?

    Does dark bright arrive what kind of feeling is internal injury ?

  22. 永远不会治愈的严重内伤。

    Grievous internal wounds that would never heal.

  23. 炎夏的浓绿, 掩不住记忆的内伤。

    Hot summer thick green, cannot cover up the memory the internal injury.

  24. 很小的伤口可以引起显著的内伤。

    Significant internal injuries may result from small entrance wounds.

  25. 我们要给你检查是否受了内伤

    We're gonna run some tests check for internal injuries.

  26. 他说,大多数人死于窒息和内伤。

    Most of the deaths were as a result of suffocation and internal injuries, he said.

  27. 锦媛在一旁早气的快成内伤了。

    The brocade Yuan early annoyed fast to chance inner harm in a side.

  28. 本病首当分辨外感咳嗽和内伤咳嗽。

    This sickness works as the resolution external disease factors cough and the internal injury cough.

  29. 可实际那对父母受了严重的内伤

    Turns out both parents had massive internal injuries.

  30. 论祛风解表药在内伤杂症中的运用

    On the Application of Herbs Expelling Wind to Relieve Supperficies in the Treatment of Internal Injury and Miscellaneous Diseases


  1. 问:内伤拼音怎么拼?内伤的读音是什么?内伤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内伤的读音是nèishāng,内伤翻译成英文是 internal injury; disorder of internal organs c...


