


讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……









汉语拼音:yán bì yǒu zhòng





指话都能说到点子上。《论语·先进》:“夫人不言,言必有中。” 中(zhòng):正好对上。



  • 【解释】:中:正对上。指一说话就能说到点子上。
  • 【出自】:《论语·先进》:“夫人不言,言必有中。”
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作分句;含褒义,形容说话中肯


  1. na.
  2. speak to the purpose [

  3. the point of articulation];clear up the matter in a single sentence;hit the target with one remark;hit ... with one vivid expression;What he says is always to the point.;Whenever one says sth. one hits the nail on the head.;Whenever one speaks, he speaks to the point.

  1. 夫人不言,言必有中。

    That man is no talker, but when he does say anything, he invariably hits the mark.

  2. 书中的地名材料丰富而翔实, 且言必有据。

    The geographical names in this book are abundant, accurate and reasonable.

  3. 言必中当世之过

    literary creation theory

  4. 这部电影有中英文字幕。

    This film is subtitle in both Chinese and English.

  5. 我们有中英文两种说明书。

    We have both an English and a Chinese manual.

  6. 那部电影有中英文字幕吗?

    Does that film has both Chinese and English subtitles?

  7. 鼻骨骨折可伴有中隔骨折和血肿。

    Fractures of the nose may be associated with septal tractures and hematomas.

  8. 这个饭店即有中餐厅,也有西餐厅。

    There are restaurants at this hotel with both Chinese food and Western food.

  9. 明天有中雪, 我们的计划成为了泡影。

    There will be moderate snow tomorrow. Therefore, our plan is impossible to carry out.

  10. 明天有中雪,我们的计划成为了泡影。

    There will be moderate snow tomorrow. Therefore, our plan is impossible to carry out.

  11. 广场左侧有中和楼, 圆玄山庄及安老院。

    The left side of the square and a floor, Yuen Yuen Villa and homes.

  12. 基督的身体就是那在万有中充满万有者的丰满。

    The Body of Christ is the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

  13. 温度对有中微子束缚的致密物质性质的影响

    Effects of Temperature on Dense Matter with Neutrino Trapping

  14. 基质结构有中粗粒,细粒和显微文象结构等。

    In matrix, mediumcoarse grains, fine grains and micrographic texture are the main texture.

  15. 俱乐部的饮食有中西餐厅, 随时提供各种海鲜和美味佳肴。

    Club of eating Chinese and Western restaurants, and stands ready to provide all kinds of seafood delicacies.

  16. 把的启示写在所手造的万有中,也刻在我们心版上。

    He writes His revelation in the universe which He created and He also carves His revelation in our heart.

  17. 乐中有苦。

    Every pleasure have a pain.

  18. 他们中有3个

    there are 3 of them

  19. 间中有雷暴

    occasional thunderstorm

  20. 仓库中有现货

    available from stock

  21. 此中有真意,

    In such things is hidden a deep meaning.

  22. 脑中有寄生虫

    With parasites in his brain.

  23. 诗中有画, 画中有诗

    there are pictures in poetry and poetry in pictures

  24. 眼泪中有神圣。

    There is a sacredness in tears.

  25. 薄暮中有安详。

    There was peace in the twilight.

  26. 肠中有燥屎

    coproma in the intestine.

  27. 屋中有张床。

    In the house there is a bed.

  28. 书中有提到。

    in the book, Cradle to Cradle.

  29. 他的话中有刺。

    His words carry a sting.

  30. 空气中有尘粒。

    There are particles of dust in the air.



词目言必有中 发音yán bì yǒu zhòng 释义中:正对上。指一说话就能说到点子上。 出处《论语·先进》:“夫人不言,言必有中。” 示例:夫人不言,~。 ★《周书·武帝纪上》 结构 主谓结构 用法 作分句;形容说话中肯 反义词漫无边际、废话连篇、语无伦次 近义词言之有物 例句她不喜欢说话,会上更是很少发言,但她不说则已,言必有中。