







汉语拼音:dà dī







  1. But the hastily built levees will still have to hold up against the ice-laden water that's expected to remain high for at least a week.


  2. At the beginning of the book, a farmer sees water flooding over a levee in Forestport.


  3. Overworking day and night left him low, but he still kept on fighting together with his comrade-in-arms on the bank.


  4. A levee near Gulfport, Illinois was not able to hold back the rising water of the Mississippi river.


  5. Chromium, in the form of the mineral chromite, and platinum are particularly abundant in the Great Dyke and actively mined.


  6. So far, about 240 people who fled when levees broke and destroyed their homes have been able to return.


  7. An older, more detailed view of the Great Dyke can be found in an astronaut photograph available here.


  8. The immigration places the region to concentrate around the Yellow River main dike with the Yellow River Rear part newborn silt place.


  9. Nevada officials say rodents may be responsible for a canal levee break that caused flooding in hundreds of homes on Saturday.


  1. 洪泽湖大堤

    embankment of Hongze Lake.

  2. 加固可能决口的大堤

    shore up levees that could be breached

  3. 水位飞涨, 大堤出现险情。

    The water level kept rising and the dykes were in peril.

  4. 河水冲垮了大堤淹没了田野。

    The river broke through its banks and flooded fields.

  5. 河水不断上涨,大堤出现险情。

    The river keeps rising and the dam is threatened.

  6. 北江大堤西南水闸渗流分析

    Analysis of Seepage at Xinan Gate of the North River Grand Levee

  7. 过了大堤以后就到木浦了。

    As soon as we cross the embankment it's mokpo.

  8. 沿江大堤附近农村供水工程设计

    Water Supply Engineering Design near the Riverine Embankment

  9. 韩佳海塘就是抵御海潮的大堤。

    A hai tang is a seawall used to fend off tides.

  10. 战士们用身体堵住大堤的裂口。

    The soldiers used their bodies to plug up a hole in the dyke.

  11. 利用充填灌浆加固北江大堤堤身

    Reinforcing Levee Body of the Great Beijiang Levee by Packing Grouting.

  12. 荆江大堤为长江中下游重要堤防。

    Jingjiang levees are important to the middle and lower Yangtze River.

  13. 拦海西大堤供水千管更换施工

    Reconstruction of Water Mains in West Sest Sea Breakwater Dam

  14. 北江大堤河床下切成因的分析

    Analysis of Causes of Riverbed Entrenchment along the North River Grand Dyke

  15. 河水越过大堤使许多人无家可归。

    Many families were drowned out when the river burst its banks.

  16. 在发洪水的时候, 大堤可以保护我们。

    In case of flood, the dam can protect us.

  17. 薄型液压抓斗在大堤施工中的应用

    Application of thin hydraulic grab bucket to the dam project

  18. 试述减压井在北江大堤的功效

    Efficacy of Relief Wells in the North River Grand Levee

  19. 西大堤变形预测结果的可靠性研究

    Reliability study of transfiguration prediction result of the West Causeway.

  20. 北江大堤渗流分析的一个反问题

    An Inverse Problem of Seepage Analysis of Beijiang Levee

  21. 北江大堤洪水风险信息管理系统研究

    Research on Flood Risk Information Management System of Beijiang River Levee

  22. 北江大堤测压管资料整理分析系统

    Analysis System of Piezometric Data of the Great Beijiang Levee

  23. 北江大堤西南河段综合整治措施探讨

    An Insight into the Comprehensive Measures for Regulating the Xinan Reach of the Great Beijiang Levee

  24. 浅谈北江大堤除险加固整治的措施

    Discussion on the Eliminating Danger, Reinforce and Mend Measures of North Ri ver Grand Levee

  25. 在洪汛期到来之前, 我们必须要抢建大堤!

    Before the flood season comes, we must rush to build the dam.

  26. 江潮还没有来,海塘大堤上早已人山人海。

    Koko has not come already packed on the seawall embankment.

  27. 在洪汛期到来之前,我们必须要抢建大堤!

    Before the flood season comes, we must rush to build the dam.

  28. 北江大堤模袋砼护岸滑道法施工技术

    Technology of Slipway Construction for Bank Protection with Form Bag Concrete in the Great Beijiang Levee

  29. 顶管施工对长江大堤影响的实测研究

    Measurement and research on influence of pipe thrusting construction on the Changjiang levee

  30. 官员们希望,以确保大堤能阻挡的额外的水。

    Officials want to make sure the levee can hold back the additional water.