


1. 句 [jù]2. 句 [gōu]句 [jù]由词组成的能表示出一个完整意思的话:~子。~法。〔~读(dòu)〕古代称文词停顿的地方为“句”或“读”。量词,用于语言:三~话不离本行(háng)。句 [gōu]〔高~骊〕古国名,即“高丽”……





汉语拼音:jù wú






  1. 地名。在今 浙江省 诸暨县 。

    《国语·越语上》:“ 句践 之地,南至於 句无 。” 韦昭 注:“今 诸暨 有 句无亭 是也。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·渐江水》:“江水又东逕 诸暨县 南……县北 带乌山 ,故 越 地也。先名 上诸暨 ,亦曰 句无 矣。”



  1. Plus, she is at least as much a performance artist as a singer.


  2. If I can write an unkind letter, speak an unkind word, think an unkind thought without grief and shame, then I know nothing of Calvary love.


  3. A careless word may kindle strife. A cruel word may wreck a life. A timely word may level stress. But a loving word may heal and bless.


  4. n. I made a harmless remark to some guy at the bar and he swung at me.


  5. All I heard was a whine of powerlessness, and I relaxed.


  6. And, by the way, take all projections with a pinch of salt. But you knew that.


  7. The inspector could not contend against this accusation; he simply wrote, -- "Nothing to be done. "


  8. A careless word, can cause an irreversible results.


  9. It's my duty, knight or not.


  1. 把无生命主语被动句译成无主语的主动句。

    Translating the passive sentences with inanimate subjects into no subject sentences.

  2. 她说那句话并无恶意。

    She meant no offense by the remark.

  3. 无生命主语句

    inanimate subject sentence.

  4. 仔细想想这句话也不无道理,不同的服饰给人以不同的美感。

    Think about this sentence is also not unreasonable that different people in different costumes beauty.

  5. 浅谈文化语言学视角下的俄语无人称句

    An analysis of Russian Impersonal Sentence in Cultural Linguistic Perspective

  6. 把英语无生命主语句译成汉语的兼语式。

    Translating the inanimate subject sentences into combined sentences.

  7. 无一滴眼泪,一句祷词,一块尸布,也无棺椁和坟墓。

    Without a tear, a prayer, a shroud, a coffin, or a grave.

  8. 英语无灵主语句的汉译

    A Probe into Ways to Translating English Inanimate Sentences into Chinese

  9. 我想找无花大师谈几句话。

    I want to talk to Wu hua.

  10. 无人帮腔,我一句话也说不了。

    I couldn't say a single sentence without somebody interjecting.

  11. 他对他的对手并无歹意地嘲讽了几句。

    He took a few goodnatured shies at his opponents.

  12. 他们随便说了几句话之后,就尴尬无语了。

    They made a few desultory comments, then lapsed into awkward silence.

  13. 无闲暇何来自由 说这一句话就够了。

    Suffice it that without leisure there is no liberty.

  14. 英语无灵主语句与英汉思维特征对比

    English Sentences with Inanimate Subjects and Different Mental Properties Between English and Chinese

  15. 所以我就注意啦,他不无怨恨地加了一句。

    so I notice,'he added with a touch of malice.

  16. 这句话指的是一个处于无组织状态的欧洲。

    The comment referred to the disorganized entity known as Europe.

  17. 英语无灵主语句的汉译策略与方法探索

    Strategies and methods of translating english sentences with inanimate subjects into chinese

  18. 用于句中无其他助动词时,以加强动词的肯定语气。

    Used when no otheraux viis present to emphasize that a verb is positive.

  19. 人们相信马克所讲的每一句话, 他的诚实无庸置疑。

    People always believe anything that Mark says, his honesty beyond question.

  20. 耶稣说得罪女人尸骨无存, 这句话翻译成英文是什么?

    Jesus said that cabin fever if he offends women.

  21. 这一句话说尽了祥子心中得委屈, 羞愧, 与无可如何。

    All Xiangzi's bitterness, shame and hopelessness were packed into this one sentence.

  22. 今天有个疯老头野蛮驾驶一直追着我的尾部不放,让我感到不耐烦了于是把车停靠在了路边,他看到我的块头比他大一句话都没敢说就灰溜溜的进到车里望风而逃了。真是无语了。

    Some crazy old man with severe road rage tried to tailgate me today. I got tired of him following me, so I pulled over onto the shoulder and got out of my car. When he saw I was a big dude, he went back into his car without saying a word and sped off *smh*

  23. 一句与本题无甚关系的话

    a tangential remark.

  24. 读书贵神解,无事守章句。

    The importance of reading books is understanding the message it conveys, and not merely following the chapters and sentences.

  25. 英语无灵主语句的理解与翻译

    Comprehension and Translation of English Sentences with Inanimate Subjects

  26. 这个句子怎么没有主语, 是无主句吗?

    Por atingi gin necesas transiri kvar stratojn.

  27. 英汉思维差异与英语无灵主语句

    On Different Thinking Modes between English and Chinese and English Inanimate Subjects

  28. 俄语中无连词复合句的语调类型浅析

    Analysis of Tone Types of Complex Sentence without Conjunction in Russia

  29. 关于殷墟甲骨文中有无被动句式的问题

    There Is or Not of Passive Form on Oracle Bone Inscriptions of Yin Dynasty Ruins

  30. 英语无灵句与汉语有灵句的句法对比及翻译

    Syntactic comparison and translation of English inanimate sentences and Chinese animate sentences