









汉语拼音:jiǔ yǐ hòu






  1. 将来,未来。

    元 无名氏 《鸳鸯被》楔子:“他要立一纸文书,就是道姑做保人,着你也画一个字,久以后好要你还钱。” 元 杨暹 《刘行首》第二折:“你怕不杨柳腰,容貌好,久以后那里每着落,你跟着我脱凡尘倒大清高。” 元 无名氏 《冤家债主》楔子:“我着你念彼观音力,久以后还着与本人。”



  1. After a long time, she did not know, may not love you, is actually . . . Love you very much?


  2. Soon after that, I found in another picture that she had, a picture of me.


  3. Women will soon be able to change the colour of their nails at the click of a switch thanks to a bit of electronic wizardry .


  4. A little while before I was there, the piano went silent. People were afraid that she had been killed in the middle of the night.


  5. A little later, though, the Greeks and Romans began to put pictures of famous people on their coins.


  6. You definitely don't want your best contacts trying to reach you at a work email address long after you've left a particular company.


  7. January estimate, Mr Bernanke blamed rising energy costs which, he said, should stabilise or fall in the near future.


  8. Before long, rumours of an affair between Spencer and his leading lady of the time, Selena Royle, began to circulate.


  9. However, planning for more than a few weeks is usually inefficient, so I would not worry too much about that.


  1. 也许, 直到很久很久以后。

    Perhaps, a long time afterward.

  2. 你工作这么久以后,肯定累了吧。

    You must be tired after working so long.

  3. 她大学毕业很久以后才遇见他

    They didn't meet until way after she finished college.

  4. 约翰寻找很久以后找到了他的书。

    John found his book after a long search.

  5. 持续站了很久以后, 他的背疼了。

    He had an ache in the back after standing up for very long.

  6. 在这么久以后, 一些人要来看我。

    After a long time some people were going to see me.

  7. 我走了很久以后, 他将依旧活着。

    He will still be kicking about when I'm long gone.

  8. 我走了很久以后,他将依旧活着。

    He will still be kicking about when I'm long gone.

  9. 我们不会为很久以后发生的事情担心。

    We will not worry about events that will occur in the distance.

  10. 我们不会为很久以后发生的事情担心。

    We will not worry about events that will occur in the distance.

  11. 我们不会为很久以后发生得事情担心。

    We will not worry about events that will occur in the distance.

  12. 直到很久以后, 我还是常想起我得那些话。

    Lying awake long afterward, my words haunted me.

  13. 直到很久以后,我还是常想起我的那些话。

    Lying awake long afterward, my words haunted me.

  14. 很久以后,人们砍伐树木,做成过梁和横梁。

    Much later, people felled trees to make columns and beams.

  15. 士兵们认为要在很久以后才能重建文官政府。

    The soldiers thought that it would be a long time before civil government would be reestablished.

  16. 很久以后,这座建筑只剩下了一个空壳。

    After a long time, the remained of the building was an empty shell.

  17. 而是在最后一辆车离开很久以后,最后一次射击以后。

    but long after the last vehicle has left and after the last shot has been taken.

  18. 换作是我,就不会计划那么久以后的事,镇长。

    Yes, I wouldn't make plans that far in advance, supervisor.

  19. 当你撑很久以后我相信你们有看到那头牛

    and when you keep it that long, I'm sure some of you now have noticed the cow.

  20. 直到很久以后, 我才能完全理解祖父母之间游戏得意义。

    It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate my grandparents'game.

  21. 直到很久以后,我才能完全理解祖父母之间游戏的意义。

    It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate my grandparents'game.

  22. 母亲在儿子长大成人很久以后还舍不得让他们离开。

    The mother hung on to her sons long after they were grown up.

  23. 等了很久以后,我们终于看到了校长在主席台上露面了。

    After for a long time, we saw at last the headmaster showed up at the rostrum.

  24. 法官通常都不会公开判案细节,即使公开也是在很久以后。

    Judges often do not publish detailed rulings, or do so only after much delay.

  25. 当新的指甲长出来很久以后, 它们会拔出自己的羽毛。

    When the new nail long after, they put a feather pulled out of one.

  26. 翻身是在书中所写的那个时期过去很久以后才出版的。

    Fanshen was published long after the period it describes.

  27. 可能是经过了这么久以后,你才发现你把什么东西忘记了吧?

    Could it be, that after all this time, you've only just discovered you left something behind?

  28. 婴儿可以看见物体, 但很久以后才能分辨出题人还是东西。

    An infant sees objects long before it is able to perceive as definite persons or things.

  29. 激情,就算它在逝去很久以后,仍是让人如此难以忘记。

    Passion.Its a force so potent we still remember it long after its ded away.

  30. 那声音消失了很久以后, 他们仍然惊恐万状地默默盯着前方。

    Long after the voice had died away they still stared in silence, dreadfully, before them.