



  1. It has questioned the patriotism of any critics. It has even locked up three of the doctors who revealed some of the casualty figures.


  2. He is so idiosyncratic in his literary judgements that is impossible to think of him as a sound critic.


  3. Each generation of critics seems to select one particular usage to stand as the emblem of what they view as linguistic crassness .


  4. But Wright's conception has always functioned better than its critics have admitted, if never as well as he himself predicted.


  5. Both Defoe and his critics took the question of factual accuracy as a fundamental one.


  6. However, it was not critical adulation, but the incredible word ofmouth that spread about the book that made it a bestseller.


  7. He thought they had more time to reflect on things and were not all that easy for his right-wing critics to stampede.


  8. There is a great difference between exposure of the mind and that of the body. William Hazlitt, British critic and essayist.


  9. Some critics saw his project as a sort of suicide, and he did not altogether dispute that.


  1. 文艺批评家

    art critic.

  2. 海派批评家

    Shanghai style critic.

  3. 有见地的批评家

    an informed critic

  4. 赢得批评家的称赞

    win critical acclaim

  5. 批评家们贬损那个演出。

    The critics panned the performance.

  6. 批评家指责这出戏。

    The critics damned the play.

  7. 此影片遭批评家指责。

    The film was damned by the critics.

  8. 他受到批评家们的严厉批评。

    He was harshly attacked by critics.

  9. 批评家们盛赞这出新戏。

    Critics acclaimed the new play.

  10. 好消息是,批评家们错了。

    The good news is that the critics are wrong.

  11. 批评家指着艺术家大吼。

    Close shot The critic exclaims to the artist.

  12. 我们的批评家触及了我们的痛处。

    Our critics sensed our vulnerability.

  13. 批评家也并非全然没有道理。

    The critic had something of a case.

  14. 批评家声称这些卡车很危险。

    Critics claim the trucks are unsafe.

  15. 作为新音乐批评家的青主

    Qing zhu as a critic of Mew Masie

  16. 这本书受到批评家的指责。

    The book was damned by the critics.

  17. 那本书遭到批评家的指责。

    The book was damned by the critics.

  18. 批评家是必然的邪恶,而批评是邪恶的必然。

    A critic is a necessary evil, and criticism is an evil necessity.

  19. 批评家指责美国试图压制争论。

    Critics have accused the US of trying to stifle debate.

  20. 因此我说, 文学批评家无用。

    Therefore, I reiterate, literary criticism is useless.

  21. 玛丽是一个尖刻的批评家。

    Mary is a keen critic.

  22. 批评家说他就是愚蠢和任性。

    His critics say he's just being silly and petulant.

  23. 有人曾经称我为批评家的批评家。

    Someone once tabbed me the critic's critic.

  24. 有人曾经称我为批评家得批评家。

    Someone once tabbed me the critic's critic.

  25. 批评家说他的画毫无价值。

    Critics say his paintings are worthless.

  26. 他们当然是主要的批评家的主意。

    They are of course the major critics of the idea.

  27. 批评家们强调氢生产的高昂成本。

    Critics note the high cost of producing hydrogen.

  28. 目光短浅的批评家们嘲讽这项计划。

    Shortsighted critics derided the plan.

  29. 批评家,是教人跑步得无腿人。

    A critic be a legless man who teach running.

  30. 批评家,是教人跑步的无腿人。

    A critic be a legless man who teach running.


  1. 问:批评家拼音怎么拼?批评家的读音是什么?批评家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:批评家的读音是,批评家翻译成英文是 commenter



中文:批评家英文:critic commenter

拼音:pī píng jiā词性:名词意思:专门从事评论、评批的人。性格特点:法国启蒙主义大师狄德罗有一句十分精彩的话,他说批评家是在“对过路人喷射毒汁”。毒汁?多么可怕!这个令人恐怖的字眼,会为社会带来什么呢?我们想到蜂毒。当肌体发生某种病变,民间偏方会告诉你:如果被蜂蜇,病体将会出现奇特的变化,那百药难医的病变会奇迹般消失。在整个社会的有机组成中,批评家不幸而命定地长着有毒的蜂尾,面对文艺现状,他们不能不以表面上恶毒的语言发起凌厉的攻势,以去邪扶正,激浊扬清,这该是批评家的天职。