





  1. 指给予(同情、关怀等)。

    毛泽东 《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话·结论》:“他们在许多时候,对于小资产阶级出身的知识分子寄予满腔的同情,连他们的缺点也给以同情甚至鼓吹。” 艾青 《<春天>后记》:“我只不过是无数的乐队中的一个吹笛子的人,只是为这个时代所兴奋,对光明的远景寄予无限的祝福而已。”

  2. 寄托。例如:人民对于青年一代寄予极大的希望。



  1. Still, she said the goal to end fissile material production is achievable and the international community "expects it of us. "


  2. She was far from depending on that result of Edward's preference of her.


  3. It's surprising how much value can be placed on an object as ephemeral as a piece of data.


  4. I'm not sure that would be consistent with Lord Asriel's wishes for her education. -Let me deal with Asriel.


  5. The United Nations has not, so far, justified the hopes which the people of the world place in it.


  6. Adam Smith, who described Britain as a nation of shopkeepers, had a keen sense of what could be expected of the middle class.


  7. Nonetheless, Facebook is betting on the social web and is trying to consolidate its early advantage.


  8. This organization has not , so far , justified the hopes which the people of the world place in it .


  9. But his death led Argentines to venerate him, and turned his wife into a victim.


  1. 人们寄予厚望者

    white hope

  2. 寄予很大期望

    to place great hope or expectation on

  3. 对子女寄予厚望

    Pin great hopes on their children

  4. 并对他寄予厚望。

    They can be counted on.

  5. 大家对我寄予厚望!

    Certain things are expected of me!

  6. 人们对你寄予重望。

    People have such high expectations of you.

  7. 全家人对他寄予厚望。

    The whole family expects great things of him.

  8. 老师对我寄予很大希望。

    The teacher expects much of me.

  9. 党对青年寄予厚望, 人民对青年寄予厚望。

    Both the Party and people have placed high hope on young people.

  10. 那些寄予厚望的基因工程试验。

    Some had high hopes that genetic engineering.

  11. 父亲对他寄予了无限希望。

    His father places all his hopes in him.

  12. 她的家人也对她寄予厚望。

    And that someone probably had a lot of dreams for her.

  13. 她的家人也对她寄予厚望。

    And that someone probably had a lot of dreams for her.

  14. 他对年轻人寄予了无限关怀。

    He's deeply committed to young people.

  15. 他们对自己的孩子们寄予厚望。

    They have high hopes for their children.

  16. 党对我们寄予很大的希望。

    The Party places great hopes on us.

  17. 父母对我们寄予很大的希望。

    Parents place great hopes on us.

  18. 忘记别人对你所寄予的期望。

    Forget what others expect from you.

  19. 我的的第一课寄予厚望开始吧

    from our first book Great Expectations.

  20. 医生封她的康复表示寄予厚。

    The doctor expressed strong hopes of her recovery.

  21. 少数候选人被寄予希望参加辩论。

    A few of the candidates are expected to participate in the debate.

  22. 大家对我寄予厚望, 我深感荣幸。

    Im deeply honored by the great expectation you have placed in me.

  23. 都对我们寄予了很大的期望。

    They all have placed great hopes on us.

  24. 他们对您寄予了很高的期望。

    They have plenty of expectations on you.

  25. 父母通常都对子女寄予过大希望。

    Parents usually expect too much of their children.

  26. 西方民主社今对此寄予厚望。

    And for that era, the people of our western world, our democratic world held the highest hopes.

  27. 你只能将你的信念寄予喧嚣的吉他

    You Gotta Put Your Faith In A Loud Guitar

  28. 这家公司对此新项目寄予厚望。

    The company is pinning its hopes on the new project.

  29. 信件贴够了邮票就可以寄予航空。

    Letters with enough stamps can go by air.

  30. 国家对青年一代寄予很大的希望。

    The state places great hopes on the younger generation.


  1. 问:寄予拼音怎么拼?寄予的读音是什么?寄予翻译成英文是什么?

    答:寄予的读音是jìyǔ,寄予翻译成英文是 place; show


