


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……


1. 济 [jì]2. 济 [jǐ]济 [jì]渡,过河:同舟共~。对困苦的人加以帮助:~世。救~。赈~。周~。接~。补益:无~于事。济 [jǐ]〔~水〕古水名,源于今中国河南省,流经山东省入渤海。(濟)……







汉语拼音:jīng jì zuò wù






经济作物 [jīng jì zuò wù]
  1. 主要为轻工业提供原料的农作物。如纤维作物、油料作物及糖料作物等。



  1. Yet the land is good. It could provide much more food and cash crops too, perhaps two harvests a year, with proper irrigation.


  2. Gingers are one of the primary cash crops in Luoping County and the important export commodity of Yunnan Province as well.


  3. Export taxes on cash crops have also been used to encourage the production of domestic food crops in order to attain self-sufficiency.


  4. This series products are mainly used for top dressing, widely used in vegetables, fruit trees and other cash crops.


  5. Commercial farming, or production for cash, is usually done on large holdings.


  6. Thailand rid itself of poppy by an active policy of encouraging alternative economic development.


  7. By contrast, farming ventures used to be about cash crops (coffee, tea, sugar or bananas).


  8. Cola is an important economic crop in Africa, and is mainly used in beverage and pharmacy industry.


  9. Soil fumigants are extensively used to control nematodes, weeds, soil-borne pathogen, and insects for planting of high value cash crops.


  1. 规经济作物

    cash crop.

  2. 热带经济作物

    tropical economy crops.

  3. 防治经济作物病

    control economic disease of pests

  4. 经济作物施肥方法

    Industrial crop applies fertilizer method

  5. 果类经济作物耕种面积

    commercial orchard acreage

  6. 在南方, 棉花是经济作物。

    Cotton is a cash crop in the South.

  7. 经济作物产量有增有减。

    Production of some of cash crops grew while that of others dropped.

  8. 经济作物有甜菜,亚麻,烤烟等。

    The industrial crops are beet , flax , tobacco , and so on.

  9. 越橘已经成了主要经济作物。

    Cranberries have become a major cash crop.

  10. 棉花和烟草是主要的经济作物。

    Cotton and tobacco are the main economic crops.

  11. 经济作物有胡麻、当归、党参、大麻等。

    Cash crops are sesame, Chinese angelica, Codonopsis, marijuana.

  12. 经济作物农药用量的调查与思考

    Investigation and Consideration on The Application Amount of Pesticide in the Cash Crop

  13. 经济作物有甜菜、亚麻和向日葵。

    Commercial crops grown include beets, flax, and sunflowers.

  14. 花生是重要的油料作物和经济作物。

    Peanut is an important oil crops and economic crops.

  15. 密植地膜经济作物试种, 推广成效显著。

    Planting cash crops grown film to promote the effective.

  16. 清代江西经济作物的发展及其局限

    Evolution and Limit of Industrial Crop in Jiangxi in Qing Dynasty

  17. 棉花是国内外重要得纤维经济作物。

    Cotton is an important fiber economic crop for domestically and abroad.

  18. 棉花是国内外重要的纤维经济作物。

    Cotton is an important fiber economic crop for domestically and abroad.

  19. 经济作物引种气候生态适应性浅议

    Climate ecology adaptability of economic crop varieties introduced in Sh anghai area

  20. 我们还种植棉花、烟叶这样的经济作物。

    We also grow such industrial crops as cotton and tobacco.

  21. 经济作物有纹党, 当归, 花椒, 生漆等。

    There are patterns of economic crops Party, Chinese angelica, pepper, raw lacquer and so on.

  22. 经济作物有纹党, 当归, 花椒, 核桃等。

    There are patterns of economic crops Party, Chinese angelica, Chinese prickly ash, walnut and so on.

  23. 小型火管式经济作物干燥机的研究

    The Study on a Small Fire Tube Economic Crop Desiccator

  24. 瓜类作物是新疆重要的经济作物之一。

    Cucurbit corps is one of the important economic crops in Xinjiang.

  25. 喀斯特经济作物顶坛花椒生殖力研究

    Study on Fecundity of Zanthoxylum Planispinum var. Dingtanensis as Economic Crop in Karst Area

  26. 节灌工程与经济作物相结合的尝试

    Try of water saving irrigation project combined with industrial crop

  27. 花生是全球性的重要油料作物和经济作物。

    Peanut is one of the important oil and economic crops.

  28. 论五代十国时期农业经济作物的发展趋势

    Tendency of Development of Agricultural Industrial Crops in the Five Dynasties and Ten States

  29. 浅析经济作物生产中存在的问题及对策

    Analysis on the Problems in Cash Crop Production and the Countermeasures

  30. 海宁冬季气候变暖对经济作物的影响

    Impacts of Winter Warming up on Cash Crops in Haining City


  1. 问:经济作物拼音怎么拼?经济作物的读音是什么?经济作物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:经济作物的读音是jīngjìzuòwù,经济作物翻译成英文是 industrial crops