







汉语拼音:qīn rǎo








  1. 侵犯骚扰;干扰;扰乱。

    《史记·平準书》:“及 王恢 设谋 马邑 , 匈奴 絶和亲,侵扰北边,兵连而不解。” 宋 曾巩 《学舍记》:“今天子 至和 之初,予之侵扰多事故益甚,予之力无以为,乃休於家,而即其旁之草舍以学。” 清 百一居士 《壶天录》卷下:“此界彼彊,从无侵扰,故凶者自凶,而吉者自吉也。” 杨朔 《昨日的临汾》:“敌人的飞机几次来抛炸弹,保卫祖国的战士被急迫地运往火线--然而民众的精神和生活并不曾遭到何种侵扰。”



  1. The decision as to which infections and infestations should be included among the STD's is therefore somewhat arbitrary.


  2. The sea is increasingly used as a rubbish bin, filled with poisons, plastics and other pollutants. Parts of it are infested with pirates.


  3. He is beginning to understand that his best hope for keeping these intrusions at bay is to slowly tame the beast that stalks him the media.


  4. Our hero of the game, a poor little dog was an alien intrusion into a monster, you can help it face up to it?


  5. A I good question to stop and think about would be, 'What are we doing to protect our homes from the attack of the enemy?


  6. As the Romans left, the Scotti and Picts, tribes to the west and north, began to raid across the borders.


  7. A comprehensive, yet easy to use network protection software, you can ensure that your computer is not by any hacker intrusion.


  8. That makes it a tempting target for deficit-cutting finance ministers.


  9. voluntarily and without any resistance, and to desist from troubling me with your attacks.


  1. 沟渠侵扰带

    drain intrusive belt in wetlands.

  2. 不受病毒侵扰。

    Its more secure against viruses and spyware.

  3. 多蛾的蛾子侵扰的

    Infested by moths.

  4. 并侵扰了家庭生活。

    And more interruptions with family life.

  5. 他投诉受到警方侵扰。

    He has complained of being harassed by the police.

  6. 我希望自己不被侵扰。

    I hope i am not so intrude.

  7. 便开始侵扰别人的生活。

    he began to intrude on everyones business.

  8. 根除侵扰的药剂, 如虫害的药剂

    an agent that eradicates an infestation, as of vermin

  9. 他不想侵扰她的隐私。

    He didn't want to obtrude on her privacy.

  10. 有些妇女会觉得受到了侵扰。

    Some women would feel intruded upon.

  11. 我反对这些侵扰我私生活的行径。

    I object to these invasions of my privacy.

  12. 害虫孳生寄生虫孳生害虫, 尤指寄生虫的侵扰

    Infestation by vermin, especially parasitic vermin.

  13. 该村村民常常受到土匪的侵扰。

    The villagers were harassed by the bandits.

  14. 北美洲西部侵扰鼠洞的牛蛇。

    bull snake of western North America that invades rodent burrows.

  15. 我不想再被此类梦魇侵扰。

    I don't want to be haunted by such images any more.

  16. 我反对我们家庭的私生活受到侵扰。

    I object to our family privacy being invaded.

  17. 恩赐我平安而不受侵扰的睡眠。

    Grant me peaceful and undisturbed sleep.

  18. 近年来,她一再受到忧郁症的侵扰。

    In recent years, she has been subjected to attacks of depressions.

  19. 他觉得他最近的成名侵扰了他的私生活。

    He found his new celebrity intruding on his private life.

  20. 舰艇分队将保护商船免受海盗侵扰。

    The division will protect merchant ships from pirates.

  21. 虱病虱子的寄生侵扰,尤指毛虱。

    Infestation with lice, especially crab lice; pediculosis.

  22. 他们侵扰我们的私生活是毫无道理的。

    Their intrusion into our private lives is unwarrantable.

  23. 我是否过多地侵扰了别人的悲痛?

    Did I intrude too far into peoples grief

  24. 还能躲避寒风。侵扰和冬季的寒冷。

    Safe from the winter wind and the cold.

  25. 还能躲避寒风。侵扰和冬季得寒冷。

    Safe from the winter wind and the cold.

  26. 对比形成的侵扰和挤压火成岩。

    Contrast the formation of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.

  27. 报纸不应侵扰人们私人的伤心事。

    Newspapers should not intrude on people's private grief.

  28. 只有这种蚊子不是。它侵扰你的生活。

    This one's not. It's invaded you.

  29. 双方互有攻伐侵扰, 又有和平相处。

    Both sides had not only invading and harassing, but also peaceful coexistence.

  30. 动物侵扰责任的基础是占有和控制。

    The basis of liability for animal trespass is possession and control.


  1. 问:侵扰拼音怎么拼?侵扰的读音是什么?侵扰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵扰的读音是qīnrǎo,侵扰翻译成英文是 invade and harass

  2. 问:侵扰行为拼音怎么拼?侵扰行为的读音是什么?侵扰行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵扰行为的读音是qīn rǎo xíng wéi,侵扰行为翻译成英文是 besetting




【注音】:qīn rǎo

