




丢:遗~。坐~良机。收复~地。流离~所。违背:~约。~信。找不着:迷~方向。没有掌握住:~言。~职。~调(tiáo )。没有达到:~望。~意。错误:~误。~策。过~。~之毫厘,谬以千里。改变常态:惊慌~色。……



汉语拼音:diū shī








  1. 失去;遗失。

    老舍 《四世同堂》三:“ 北平 若不幸丢失了,我想我就不必再活下去!” 冰心 《张嫂》:“我出去从不锁门,却不曾丢失过任何物件,如银钱、衣服、书籍等等。” 爱新觉罗·溥仪 《我的前半生·太监》:“用这颗珠子做的珠顶冠,我曾经戴用过,伪 满 垮台时把它丢失在 通化 大栗子沟 了。”



  1. Alternatively, you may be able to manually reconstruct a dropped table or other lost data from the information in a snapshot.


  2. He insisted that he had not lost any original data, but that the sources of some of the data may have been insufficiently clear.


  3. A spokesman for MF Global said the firm is cooperating with regulators and the bankruptcy trustee trying to find the missing money.


  4. In no other Arab nation is the desire to retrieve lost stature likely to be so significant.


  5. The memory in case of a power cut will be lost their store content, so it is mainly used for storage short time use process.


  6. It's important to know how much of your data is missing.


  7. Like the sun like the sun, if sea water as love, lost passion as if youll be looking back, feeling back to the youth age.


  8. But I find myself more lost, like an eagle without a direction, circling around and don't know where to go.


  9. We blink every couple seconds, which means we lose about six seconds out of every minute of viewing time.


  1. 丢失的数据

    missing data.

  2. 相干性丢失

    coherence loss.

  3. 丢失报告卡

    lost report card.

  4. 丢失点判断

    lost points judgment.

  5. 帧丢失概率

    Frame loss probability.

  6. 丢失帧隐藏

    concealment of missing frame.

  7. 托运货物丢失

    lost goods

  8. 根设备丢失。

    The root device is missing.

  9. 帧同步丢失

    LFS Loss of Frame Synchronization.

  10. 界面卡丢失。

    The interface card is missing.

  11. 网络包丢失。

    The network packet is missing.

  12. 丢失蛋白胃病

    protein losing gastropathy

  13. 内含子丢失

    intron loss.

  14. 丢失质谱仪

    missing mass spectrometer.

  15. 酒精致骨丢失

    Hongling Ganbao

  16. 报文集中丢失

    bursty packet loss.

  17. 牙周附着丢失

    Loss of attachment.

  18. 哪里丢失, 哪里寻觅。

    What you lose on the swing you gain on the roundabout.

  19. 哪里丢失,哪里寻觅。

    What you lose on the swing you gain on the roundabout .

  20. 部分条码丢失

    Some of the bar code is missing

  21. 长段输精管丢失

    long segment loss

  22. 寻找丢失的钢笔

    Look for a lost pen

  23. 寻找丢失的钱包

    look for a lost purse

  24. 寻找丢失的项链

    to scout the missing necklace

  25. 我丢失了手提箱。

    I have lost the suitcase.

  26. 找回丢失的书

    to find a missing book

  27. 信元定界丢失

    Loss of Cell Delimitation LT.

  28. 一只丢失的钢笔

    a lost pen.

  29. 你是说你丢失了?

    You say you lost it?

  30. 你是说你丢失了?

    You say you lost it?


  1. 问:丢失拼音怎么拼?丢失的读音是什么?丢失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失的读音是diūshī,丢失翻译成英文是 lose; astray

  2. 问:丢失包拼音怎么拼?丢失包的读音是什么?丢失包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失包的读音是diū shī bāo,丢失包翻译成英文是 lost package

  3. 问:丢失率拼音怎么拼?丢失率的读音是什么?丢失率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失率的读音是diū shī lǜ,丢失率翻译成英文是 lose rate

  4. 问:丢失簇拼音怎么拼?丢失簇的读音是什么?丢失簇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失簇的读音是diū shī cù,丢失簇翻译成英文是 lost clusters

  5. 问:丢失链拼音怎么拼?丢失链的读音是什么?丢失链翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失链的读音是diū shī liàn,丢失链翻译成英文是 lost chains

  6. 问:丢失传呼拼音怎么拼?丢失传呼的读音是什么?丢失传呼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失传呼的读音是diū shī chuán hū,丢失传呼翻译成英文是 lost call

  7. 问:丢失假说拼音怎么拼?丢失假说的读音是什么?丢失假说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失假说的读音是diū shī jiǎ shuō,丢失假说翻译成英文是 deletion theory

  8. 问:丢失数据拼音怎么拼?丢失数据的读音是什么?丢失数据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失数据的读音是diū shī shù jù,丢失数据翻译成英文是 lost data

  9. 问:丢失文件拼音怎么拼?丢失文件的读音是什么?丢失文件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失文件的读音是diū shī wén jiàn,丢失文件翻译成英文是 lost file

  10. 问:丢失时间拼音怎么拼?丢失时间的读音是什么?丢失时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失时间的读音是diū shī shí jiān,丢失时间翻译成英文是 Drop-out Time

  11. 问:丢失预算拼音怎么拼?丢失预算的读音是什么?丢失预算翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失预算的读音是diū shī yù suàn,丢失预算翻译成英文是 loss budget

  12. 问:丢失枪支罪拼音怎么拼?丢失枪支罪的读音是什么?丢失枪支罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失枪支罪的读音是diū shī qiāng zhī zuì,丢失枪支罪翻译成英文是 crime of losing firearms

  13. 问:丢失节标题拼音怎么拼?丢失节标题的读音是什么?丢失节标题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失节标题的读音是diū shī jié biāo tí,丢失节标题翻译成英文是 section heading missing

  14. 问:丢失脉冲因子拼音怎么拼?丢失脉冲因子的读音是什么?丢失脉冲因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失脉冲因子的读音是diū shī mài chōng yīn zǐ,丢失脉冲因子翻译成英文是 missing pulse factor

  15. 问:丢失输入焦点拼音怎么拼?丢失输入焦点的读音是什么?丢失输入焦点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失输入焦点的读音是diū shī shū rù jiāo diǎn,丢失输入焦点翻译成英文是 lost input focus

  16. 问:丢失项目替补拼音怎么拼?丢失项目替补的读音是什么?丢失项目替补翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失项目替补的读音是diū shī xiàng mù tì bǔ,丢失项目替补翻译成英文是 Lost Item Replacement

  17. 问:丢失中断检测器拼音怎么拼?丢失中断检测器的读音是什么?丢失中断检测器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丢失中断检测器的读音是diū shī zhōng duàn jiǎn cè qì,丢失中断检测器翻译成英文是 missing interruption checker



“丢失”是个多义词,它可以指丢失(良辰演唱歌曲), 丢失(汉语词语)。