




1. 露 [lù]2. 露 [lòu]露 [lù]靠近地面的水蒸气,夜间遇冷凝结成的小水球:~水。白~。寒~。朝(zhāo )~。甘~。在室外,无遮盖:~天。~宿。~营。加入药料或果子汁制成的饮料或药剂:~酒。枇杷~。滋润:覆~万民。表现,……



汉语拼音:tǎn lù








  1. 脱下上衣,露出身体。

    《北齐书·王昕传》:“ 武帝 或时袒露,与近臣戏狎,每见 昕 ,即正冠而敛容焉。” 宋 何薳 《春渚纪闻·寺认法属黑子如星》:“每暑月,袒露竹阴间。”

  2. 暴露,无遮盖。

    康濯 《水滴石穿》第一章:“﹝男人﹞看见了袒露在斜坡根底的一楼上的情景,就对着下面吆喝。”

  3. 毫无掩饰的表露。

    林雨 《刀尖》:“这是一位革命战士宽大胸怀的袒露。”



  1. a short, Broad muscular man, in a shirt open at the Bosom and dirty trousers, pushed his way through the crowd.


  2. The boy, who has suffered complications following the surgery, returned home but was unable to keep what he had done from his mother.


  3. The traitor cast his knife at the naked breast of him .


  4. Neither is there any creature invisible in his sight: but all things are naked and open to his eyes, to whom our speech is.


  5. In an interview with sports daily AS, the Madridista defender pointed out that "I really like the way Schuster works. "


  6. The plantation clearings and miles of cotton fields smiled up to a warm sun, placid , complacent .


  7. We also discover to the observation of resident of America tropics area, over there the breast of any age wives is being exposed avowedly .


  8. Large areas of arid desert land in the train on both sides of the road, I boil like sores, injuries to the color of bare earth.


  9. Despite the presence of Muslim and Europeans, up to the 19th Century Sri Lanka women had kept exposing breast at home.


  1. 袒露你的胸膛。

    Lay bare your bosom.

  2. 袒露真相的勇气。

    The courage to tell the truth.

  3. 袒露真相的勇气。

    The courage to tell the truth.

  4. 玛丽得睡衣袒露过多。

    Mary's gown exposes too much cleavage.

  5. 玛丽的睡衣袒露过多。

    Mary's gown exposes too much cleavage.

  6. 广告是一种袒露, 创意是一种企图。

    The ad is a bare, the creative is a attempt!

  7. 湖水袒露宽阔的胸膛多么平滑!

    How smooth that lake expands its ample breast!

  8. 新流行式样服装袒露得越来越多。

    New fashions are exposing more and more of the body.

  9. 有些人,源自对相似经历的袒露。

    Some by revealing a common history.

  10. 叛徒把匕首朝英雄袒露的胸膛掷来。

    The traitor cast his knife at the naked breast of the hero.

  11. 伊迪以赤身向卡洛斯袒露了一切。

    And Edie bared more than her soul for Carlos.

  12. 这个叛徒把匕首向他袒露的胸膛掷来。

    The traitor cast his knife at the naked breast of him.

  13. 这个叛徒把匕首向他袒露得胸膛掷来。

    The traitor cast his knife at the naked breast of him.

  14. 球场完全袒露在十月蓝色黄昏的怀抱中。

    The course lay almost fully in the embrace of blue October twilight.

  15. 空着双手将一切袒露, 如同这相逆的空间。

    Exposed with hands as empty, as the opposite space.

  16. 空着双手将一切袒露,如同这相逆得空间。

    Exposed with hands as empty, as the opposite space.

  17. 不要老在别人面前倾诉你的困境袒露你的脆弱。

    Do not talk old in front of others for your predicament bare your vulnerabilities.

  18. 试过异教,和亵渎神明,来袒露这苦像之疤。

    tried for heresy, and sacrilege, to bare the scars of the crucifix.

  19. 如果我觉得会冒犯任何人,我就不会袒露上身进行日光浴了。

    I wouldn't sunbathe topless if I thought I might offend anyone.

  20. 如果有人向我们袒露心声, 我们就以为对方是在寻求建议。

    If someone confides in us about something, we tend to assume they are seeking our advice.

  21. 希尔兹身着饰有羽毛的白色服装, 衣服敞开, 袒露胸部。

    In a white vest festooned with feathers, ripped open to expose his chest, Mr.

  22. 接着她掀起自己的裙子,没有穿内裤,袒露着一大堆阴毛。

    Then she lifted up her skirt and, wearing no panties, pointed to her own hairy mass.

  23. 上了年纪, 秘密就不怕向朋友袒露, 反正他们谁也记不住。

    As you get older, your secrets are safe with your friends because they can't remember them either.


  1. 问:袒露拼音怎么拼?袒露的读音是什么?袒露翻译成英文是什么?

    答:袒露的读音是tǎnlù,袒露翻译成英文是 expose



基本信息 词目:袒露

拼音:tǎn lù 基本解释 毫无掩饰的表露;也指暴露,无遮盖;露在外面,没有东西遮盖;裸露。也指完全告诉别人某件事。