







汉语拼音:shēng zhāng








  1. 大事张扬。有公开或泄露等义。

    《国语·晋语五》“是故伐备钟鼓,声其罪也” 三国 吴 韦昭 注:“以声张其罪。” 宋 苏轼 《乞将合转一官与李直方酬奖状》:“以致被杀之家,父母妻子,不敢声张举哀。”《红楼梦》第九一回:“但是事情要密些,倘或声张起来,不是玩的。” 碧野 《没有花的春天》第一章:“他一点也不声张,把身子顺着稻丛悄悄地蹓到临河的田坎上去。”



  1. "The best way, sir, " said the deck hand, "is to say nothing about it. If the other fellows knew I'd pulled you out, they'd chuck me in. "


  2. If you'd just think what you please but keep your mouth shut, everything would be so much nicer.


  3. His initiative with internal contradiction, is not easy to dissolve a secret.


  4. If you feel depressed at a social gathering , keep it a secret .


  5. Twenty-nine years of Hosni Mubarak's stolid, unimaginative rule have brought his country its longest stretch of peace for a century.


  6. Ms. Moheeb said in an interview that after she was attacked, nurses told her to keep silent in order to protect her reputation.


  7. He had already understood that her name was not to be mentioned-high politics demanding this.


  8. I've decided to resign but I'd prefer you to keep quiet about it.


  9. WE CHANGED South Korean politics and the media market, but I'm too shy to say that, " says Oh Yeon Ho before he can catch his own irony. "


  1. 不要声张。

    Don't breathe a word about it.

  2. 事竟成, 才声张

    Never cackle till your egg is laid

  3. 所以你不要声张, 好不好?

    So keep it under your hat, will you?

  4. 我们不对外声张。

    We don't share them with the world.

  5. 不要把这丑事声张出去。

    Do hush up the scandal!

  6. 别声张!他们会广而告之这你知晓!

    Dont tell! theyd advertise you know!

  7. 听着,这件事情别声张,好吗?

    Look, let's not make a big deal about this, okay?

  8. 我们对这事都不要声张。

    Let us keep still about the matter.

  9. 不过我们不想声张,因为我们很低调。

    But we keep it quiet, because we're very private people.

  10. 别声张!你知道的?他们爱张场!

    Don't tell! They'd advertise? you know!

  11. 我从不声张我是电视连续剧迷。

    I'm a secret fan of soap operas on TV.

  12. 我又没有大肆声张生了孩子。

    It's not as if I sent out birth announcements.

  13. 我已决定辞职,你先别声张。

    I've decided to resign but I'd prefer you to keep quiet about it.

  14. 只要我们不声张,他们才不会难为我们呢。

    They won't do anything to us if we keep quiet.

  15. 他们希望葬礼尽量不要太声张。

    They want the funeral to be as lowkey as possible.

  16. 宪法不应阻止我们声张这些政治理念。

    The constitution should not constrain us from articulating these political ideas.

  17. 宪法不应阻止我们声张这些政治理念。

    The constitution should not constrain us from articulating these political ideas.

  18. 许多人对并不声张他们的无神论思想。

    Many keep quiet about their atheism.

  19. 如果我出轨的话肯定也不会声张。

    that that's exactly what we would do if we were having one.

  20. 他总是大事声张自己愿意对新闻界讲话。

    He has always advertised his willingness to talk the press.

  21. 在你心满意足的时候, 千万不要声张。

    When your heart is full, keep your mouth shut also.

  22. 这件事情他不敢声张, 只能吃哑巴亏了。

    He dosen't dare to make his grievances public, so he has to keep them to himself.

  23. 这件事情他不敢声张,只能吃哑巴亏了。

    He dosen't dare to make his grievances public, so he has to keep them to himself.

  24. 答应我不声张, 否则我什么话也不对你说。

    Promise to lie absolutely dog go, or I shan't say anything.

  25. 他倡议同用化解内部矛盾, 不易声张。

    His initiative with internal contradiction, is not easy to dissolve a secret.

  26. 是的,但不准你们声张,因为我是皇帝的女儿!

    Yes, but keep my secret, for I am an Emperor's daughter.

  27. 尽管他试图不让他妹妹声张,她还是告发了他。

    His sister told on him though he tried to shush her.

  28. 这位不声张的捐助者得到了最大的回报。

    The quiet benefactor gets the largest reward.

  29. 尽管他想叫她别声张,可妹妹还是告了他。

    His sister told on him though he tried to shush her.

  30. 我上了年纪,人又机灵,所以并没声张。

    Being old and sly, I forbear to call out.


  1. 问:声张拼音怎么拼?声张的读音是什么?声张翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声张的读音是shēngzhāng,声张翻译成英文是 disclose



【拼音】shēng zhāng


【出处】《国语​·晋语五》“是故伐备钟鼓,声其罪也” 三国 吴韦昭​ 注:“以声张其罪。” 宋·苏轼​《乞将合转一官与李直方酬奖状》:“以致被杀之家,父母妻子,不敢声张举哀。”
