









汉语拼音:huó zì diǎn






  1. 比喻知识渊博、无所不晓的人。

    沈从文 《八骏图》:“他一定知道许多故事,记着许多故事。我想当他作一册活字典,在这里两个月把他翻个透熟。”《花城》1981年第5期:“倒是我,很快成了她心目中的活字典,知识的仓库,无所不能的英雄。”



  1. The girl has an unusually large vocabulary and is known as a "walking dictionary" .


  2. In my composition class, I would be turned into a talking dictionary or an interpreter for the students.


  3. He is, as it were, a talking dictionary.


  4. He's a walking dictionary. And by the way he's a great reader of your books.


  5. He is referred to as walking dictionary.


  6. Graham is experienced and knows the players and the league, while Dave is a very bright coach with bags and bags of know how.


  7. He is not only a walking dictionary but a living encyclopedia.


  8. He is known as a walking dictionary.


  9. She knows so many words that she's a walking dictionary.


  1. 你是活字典。

    You are a walking dictionary.

  2. 他真是一本活字典

    he's a real mine of information

  3. 他是公认的活字典。

    He is known as a walking dictionary.

  4. 他可谓一部活字典。

    He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.

  5. 他就是所谓的活字典。

    He is what we call a walking dictionary.

  6. 他可以说是个活字典。

    He is, so to speak, a walking dictionary.

  7. 他可说是个活字典。

    He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

  8. 你叔叔是我的活字典。

    Your uncie was my iibrary.

  9. 他好比是一本活字典。

    He is, as a walking dictionary.

  10. 蒂娜是我们班得活字典。

    Tina is a walking dictionary in our class.

  11. 蒂娜是我们班的活字典。

    Tina is a walking dictionary in our class.

  12. 他真是名副其实的活字典。

    He really lives up to his reputation as a walking dictionary.

  13. 他可以说是一部活字典。

    He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

  14. 她可以说是一部活字典。

    She is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

  15. 史密斯教授堪称活字典。

    Professor Smith is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

  16. 总而言之, 他是一部活字典。

    In a word, he is a walking dictionary.

  17. 他常被亲切地称为活字典。

    He is often lovingly termed a walking dictionary.

  18. 他就是人们所谓的一本活字典。

    He is what is called a walking dictionary.

  19. 这方面你可以问他。他是活字典。

    You can ask him about it.He is a walking dictionary.

  20. 约翰逊先生被称作一本活字典。

    Mr. Johnson was known as a walking dictionary.

  21. 为什么他被称作为一本活字典呢?

    Why he was known as a walking dictionary it?

  22. 那女孩知道的词真多,被称为活字典。

    The girl has an unusually large vocabulary and is known as a walking dictionary.

  23. 他是公认的活字典。磨损的活字印得不清楚。

    He is known as a walking dictionary. Badly worn type prints poorly.

  24. 他不需要什么字典,因为他本身就是一本活字典。

    He doesn't need any dictionary. Because he is a walking dictionary himself.

  25. 她很喜欢参加拼字比赛,简直就像一本活字典。

    Spelling competitions are her cup of tea; she is like a human dictionary!

  26. 他能记住这么多的英文单词,即他是一个活字典。

    He can remember so many English words, that is he is a living dictionary.

  27. 你根本就不需要买字典,你本身就是一本活字典了。

    You don't need to buy any dictionary. you're a walking dictionary yourself.

  28. 每每上作文课时,笔者就成了学生的活字典、翻译员。

    In my composition class, I would be turned into a talking dictionary or an interpreter for the students.

  29. 山姆是个活百科全书。似乎他已经把字典背的滚瓜烂熟了。

    Sam is a walking dictionary. He looks as if he knows the whole dictionary by heart.


  1. 问:活字典拼音怎么拼?活字典的读音是什么?活字典翻译成英文是什么?

    答:活字典的读音是huózìdiǎn,活字典翻译成英文是 walking dictionary