











汉语拼音:fú yóu shēng wù






  1. In potential food value, however, plankton far outweighs that of the land grasses.


  2. One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibilities is a tiny shrimp-like creature called krill.


  3. In what is now known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, plastic outweighs plankton, by a factor of six to one.


  4. Hunting for morsels of plankton, a school of spadefish hovers near the surface off Japan's subtropical Bonin Islands.


  5. Hunting for morsels of plank ton, a school of spadefish hovers near the surface off Japan's sub tropical Bonin Islands.


  6. All of these things contribute to the nutrient-rich environment needed to sustain such a large bloom throughout the spring and summer.


  7. Soft corals open up to the current to feed on plankton and give the reef some of its most colorful scenes.


  8. One type of plankton that seems to have great harvest possibilities is a tiny shrimplike creature called krill.


  9. Coastal waters generally have more suspended material due to river input, material stirred up from the bottom, and increased plankton.


  1. 浮游生物水花

    plankton bloom.

  2. 浮游生物消长

    plankton pulse.

  3. 浮游生物拖网

    plankton tow net.

  4. 浮游生物群落

    plankton community.

  5. 浮游生物组成

    plankton composition.

  6. 本地浮游生物

    autogenetic plankton.

  7. 原地浮游生物

    autochthonous plankton

  8. 深渊浮游生物

    abyssopelagic plankton.

  9. 浮游生物群丛

    plankton association.

  10. 深海层浮游生物

    bathypelagic plankton

  11. 浮游生物计数框

    plankton counting chamber

  12. 浮游生物增殖因素

    plankton multiplier

  13. 真核微型浮游生物

    eukarytic microplankton

  14. 浮游生物网闭锁器

    tripping device for plankton net

  15. 属于或关于浮游生物。

    of or relating to plankton.

  16. 以浮游生物为食者

    plankton feeders

  17. 浮游生物连续记录系统

    Continuous Plankton Recorder

  18. 浮游生物图像现场拍摄

    The Field Imaging of Plankton

  19. 钙质超微浮游生物带

    calcareous nannoplankton zona

  20. 这种鱼靠吃浮游生物为生。

    The fish live on the plankton.

  21. 双凤水库浮游生物的研究

    Studies on the plankton of Shuangfeng reservoir

  22. 可见浮游生物是非常危险的。

    So we know this plankton is very dangerous.

  23. 北方鱼塘浮游生物的生态研究

    A Study of Plankton Ecology on North Fishpond

  24. 这些浮游生物的生长期很短。

    These plankton organisms mostly live only a very short time.

  25. 这些浮游生物得生长期很短。

    These plankton organisms mostly live only a very short time.

  26. 卤虫培育池浮游生物生态学

    Plankton ecology in Artemia culture ponds

  27. 石油污染对海洋浮游生物的影响

    Effects of Oil Pollution on Marine Planktons

  28. 浮游生物和自游生物都是海面的生物。

    Plankton and nekton are pelagic organisms.

  29. 浮游生物和自游生物都是海面得生物。

    Plankton and nekton are pelagic organisms.

  30. 测定其主要化学因子和浮游生物。

    Some chemical factors and plankton were investigated.


  1. 问:浮游生物拼音怎么拼?浮游生物的读音是什么?浮游生物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物的读音是,浮游生物翻译成英文是 Plankton

  2. 问:浮游生物学拼音怎么拼?浮游生物学的读音是什么?浮游生物学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物学的读音是fú yóu shēng wù xué,浮游生物学翻译成英文是 planktology

  3. 问:浮游生物界拼音怎么拼?浮游生物界的读音是什么?浮游生物界翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物界的读音是,浮游生物界翻译成英文是 Pelagic zone

  4. 问:浮游生物的拼音怎么拼?浮游生物的的读音是什么?浮游生物的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物的的读音是fú yóu shēng wù de,浮游生物的翻译成英文是 planktonic

  5. 问:浮游生物网拼音怎么拼?浮游生物网的读音是什么?浮游生物网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物网的读音是fú yóu shēng wù wǎng,浮游生物网翻译成英文是 plankton net

  6. 问:浮游生物消长拼音怎么拼?浮游生物消长的读音是什么?浮游生物消长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物消长的读音是fú yóu shēng wù xiāo zhǎng,浮游生物消长翻译成英文是 plankton pulse

  7. 问:浮游生物淤泥拼音怎么拼?浮游生物淤泥的读音是什么?浮游生物淤泥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物淤泥的读音是,浮游生物淤泥翻译成英文是 pelogloea

  8. 问:浮游生物型群落拼音怎么拼?浮游生物型群落的读音是什么?浮游生物型群落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物型群落的读音是fú yóu shēng wù xíng qún luò,浮游生物型群落翻译成英文是 plankton type community

  9. 问:浮游生物异常水华拼音怎么拼?浮游生物异常水华的读音是什么?浮游生物异常水华翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物异常水华的读音是fú yóu shēng wù yì cháng shuǐ huá,浮游生物异常水华翻译成英文是 abnormal blooming of plankton

  10. 问:浮游生物异常繁殖拼音怎么拼?浮游生物异常繁殖的读音是什么?浮游生物异常繁殖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物异常繁殖的读音是fú yóu shēng wù yì cháng fán zhí,浮游生物异常繁殖翻译成英文是 abnormal blooming of plankton

  11. 问:浮游生物连续记录器拼音怎么拼?浮游生物连续记录器的读音是什么?浮游生物连续记录器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浮游生物连续记录器的读音是fú yóu shēng wù lián xù jì lù qì,浮游生物连续记录器翻译成英文是 continuous plankton recorder