






1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:shēn bù kě cè








  • 【解释】:深得无法测量。比喻对事物的情况捉摸不透。
  • 【出自】:明·袁宏道《吼山》:“山下石骨为匠者搜去,积水为潭,望之洞黑如墨汁,深不可测。”
  • 【示例】:隆武帝~地微笑。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语、状语;比喻对事物的情况捉摸不透


  1. After that I knew in a confused and illusory fashion that there was an unfathomable mystery I did not know but that agitated me as if I did.


  2. Unfathomable. - No doubt poisoned by his sister.


  3. the profound depths of the sea; the dark unfathomed caves of ocean-Thomas Gray; unplumbed depths of the sea; remote and unsounded caverns.


  4. To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan.


  5. To her mind there was nothing of the infinite about Mrs. Penniman; Catherine saw her all at once, as it was not dazzled by the apparition.


  6. The man rose to his feet to bow, the woman continued to sit, a fixed smile on her otherwise unreadable face.


  7. Yet, he said, the unevenness shows that Faulkner was willing to take risks, to explore new material, and new ways to talk about it.


  8. infinity of space, Owen wondered what manner of Being or Power it was that had originated and sustained all this.


  9. It was as if she were looking into immeasurable space.


  1. 他的严肃深不可测。

    Unfathomable was the depth of his gravity.

  2. 它看起来如此神秘和深不可测。

    It looks so mystique and so unfathomable.

  3. 沉默得人像静水一样深不可测。

    Silent man, like still waters are deep and dangerous.

  4. 沉默的人像静水一样深不可测。

    Silent man, like still waters are deep and dangerous.

  5. 他在国会中的表现一直深不可测。

    His performance in the Diet (parliament) has been abysmal.

  6. 世界如此美丽,在许多方面深不可测。

    The world is beautiful, in many unfathomable ways.

  7. 再创猪的竞赛也并非深不可测。

    The race to reinvent the pig is not hard to fathom.

  8. 女人的心就像大海一样深不可测。

    A woman's heart is a deep ocean of secrets.

  9. 这个谜洞对我来说深不可测、漆黑一团。

    It was just a deep, dark puzzle to me.

  10. 蜂群曾经如同日蚀一样神秘,一样深不可测。

    This creates the most sterile environment known in nature and protects the hive against disease.

  11. 从头台洞西行约500米,是二台洞,洞中有洞,深不可测。

    Westbound about 500 meters, is two sets of holes, the holes have holes, unpredictable.

  12. 对了,就是你,有些深不可测、实力均衡的犹他爵士。

    Yes, it's you, some kind of fathomless and balanced team, Utah Jazz.

  13. 我觉得和保罗很不好相处,他这个人深不可测。

    I find it difficult to rub along with Paul, he is so unpredictable.

  14. 我怕, 那清澈的眼神经过社会的洗涤变得深邃, 让人深不可测。

    I'm afraid that clear eyes after social washing become abstruse, let a person deep.

  15. 她深不可测地微微一笑。

    She gave an enigmatic smile.

  16. 我知道一口深不可测的井。

    I know of a fathomless well.

  17. 卫星落入深不可测的太空。

    The satellite fell into bottomless space.

  18. 有点深不可测而且非常, 非常聪明。

    Kinda esoteric and very, very bright.

  19. 这种寂静深不可测,令人不知所措。

    The silence was fathomless and overwhelming.

  20. 她似乎看到的只是深不可测的空虚。

    It was as if she were looking into immeasurable space.

  21. 善的思想和恶的思想一样,也是深不可测的。

    Good thoughts have their abysses as well as evil ones.

  22. 或者那是飞溅得眼泪?人类眼泪深不可测得池沼?

    Or is it the plashing of tears the measureless waters of human tears

  23. 或者那是飞溅的眼泪?人类眼泪深不可测的池沼?

    Or is it the plashing of tears the measureless waters of human tears

  24. 深不可测的永恒之井, 却也清澈见底。

    So deep well of eternity was, but also so clear that I can see its bottom.

  25. 深不可测得永恒之井,却也清澈见底。

    So deep Well of Eternity was, but also so clear that I can see its bottom.

  26. 白天是彩色的泡沫,飘拂在深不可测的夜色中。

    Days are the coloured bubbles that float upon the surface of fathomless nigth.

  27. 白天是彩色得泡沫,飘拂在深不可测得夜色中。

    Days are the coloured bubbles that float upon the surface of fathomless nigth.

  28. 当我们有深不可测的海洋时,谁还需要空间?

    Who needs space when there remain the unfathomable depths of our own oceans

  29. 她用她那双平静而深不可测的眼睛打量着他。

    She looked at him with calm, fathomless eyes.

  30. 我在痛苦中沉溺, 陷入深不可测重复生死的漩涡。

    I am drowning in the painful, fathomless whirlpool of repeated birth and death.


  1. 问:深不可测拼音怎么拼?深不可测的读音是什么?深不可测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:深不可测的读音是shēnbùkěcè,深不可测翻译成英文是 too deep to be fathomable—fathomless; inco...

  2. 问:深不可测的拼音怎么拼?深不可测的的读音是什么?深不可测的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:深不可测的的读音是,深不可测的翻译成英文是 fathomless


