







汉语拼音:bào àn






报案 [bào àn]
  1. 将违反法律、危害社会治安的事件向治安机关报告。 【造句】发现不法事情,请拨一一零电话报案。



  1. Some people believe that if such a pet were to escape from a private collection, its owner would be hesitant to report it missing.


  2. The next day, the mother and daughter reported the incident to the police who immediately arrested the stepfather.


  3. When he told his mother what he had done, she called the police. The case is being investigated.


  4. I remember there were two or three shop-assistants behind the counter. Before we wanted to report to the police, the robber had run away.


  5. When she tried to bring charges the next day, she said, a police commander told her, "If he wore a condom, it isn't rape. "


  6. They're the kind to offer you coffee, even as they report you to the police.


  7. He said his cell phone was out of minutes and 911 was the only number he could still call.


  8. However, it did not report the matter the police will have no check.


  9. If it is a car accident in British Columbia, ICBC would also like to call a report and arrange an appointment time.


  1. 向警方报案

    report the case to the police.

  2. 你报案了吗?

    Have you report it?

  3. 我想要报案。

    I want to report a crime.

  4. 石硖尾报案中心

    Shek Kip Mei Reporting Centre

  5. 警官, 我来报案。

    I want to report a case, officer.

  6. 警官,我来报案。

    I want to report a case, officer.

  7. 警官, 我想报案。

    I want to report a mugging, officer.

  8. 警官,我想报案。

    I want to report a mugging, officer.

  9. 报案, 举报与控告

    Report A Case, Report And Accusing

  10. 报案,举报与控告。

    Report A Case, Report And Accusing.

  11. 你本该先来报案的。

    You should have presented your case.

  12. 你本该先来报案的。

    You should have presented your case.

  13. 呼吁被绑者家属报案

    Urge family members to report kidnap cases

  14. 苏报案的审讯与判决

    The Interrogation and Judgment of Su Bao Case

  15. 最近有多起盗窃报案。

    A number of thefts have been reported recently.

  16. 强奸案报案数字的增加

    an increase in the number of reported rapes

  17. 我的附照遗失, 我要报案!

    I like to report a missing passport!

  18. 李正山向镇派出所报案。

    Hill reported to the town station.

  19. 我最好向警察局报案吗?

    Had I better report to the police?

  20. 李某决定返回大港报案。

    Lee decided to return to port report.

  21. 我需要报案,有人失踪了。

    I need to file a missing person's report.

  22. 她的车被报案说偷了。

    Her car was reported stolen.

  23. 你被打后去报案了吗?

    Did you go to the police when you got beat?

  24. 女儿失踪, 她已经向警方报案。

    She has reported her daughter missing.

  25. 黄某立即向公安机关报案。

    Hwang made a report immediately to the public security organs.

  26. 警方希望受害者速去报案。

    Police hope victim fast go reporting a case to the security authorities.

  27. 即便是老板报案,也很少处罚。

    It is the same with their bosses.

  28. 共有5起凶杀,7起抢劫和3起绑架报案。

    Five homicides, seven robberies and three abductions were reported.

  29. 第二天她报案说他失踪了。

    She reported him missing the next day.

  30. 不,是你殴打前妻的报案记录。

    No! it's a police report from the night you beat your first wife.


  1. 问:报案拼音怎么拼?报案的读音是什么?报案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报案的读音是bào'àn,报案翻译成英文是 report

  2. 问:报案人拼音怎么拼?报案人的读音是什么?报案人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报案人的读音是bàoànrén,报案人翻译成英文是 reporter



报案(offense report/registration of damage)是指机关、团体、企事业单位和公民(包括被害人)将发现的有犯罪事实或者犯罪嫌疑人向司法机关报告的行为。《刑事诉讼法》第八十四条规定任何单位和个人发现有犯罪事实或者犯罪嫌疑人,有权利也有义务向公安机关、人民检察院或者人民法院报案或举报。被害人对侵犯其人身、财产权利的犯罪事实或者犯罪嫌疑人,有权向公安机关、人民检察院或者人民法院报案或控告。公安机关、人民检察院或者人民法院对于报案都应该接受。《刑事诉讼法》还规定报案可以用书面或者口头形式提出。