







汉语拼音:shì jǐng






  1. 以某种动作或信号,对人发出警告或使人注意。

    《元史·爱薛传》:“﹝ 大德 ﹞八年,京师地震,上弗豫。中宫召问:‘灾异殆下民所致耶?’对曰:‘天地示警,民何与焉。’” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·滦阳消夏录一》:“尔父太横,姑示警於尔。”如:鸣锣(或鸣枪)示警。



  1. When were XingYou sapphire understand the truth was up the enemy's scheme works simultaneously destroy.


  2. Article 73 The vehicles specially used for highway supervision and inspection shall be equipped with unified signs and warning lights.


  3. At the time, drums were used to fore warn that the natives were going to capture the forts , which guarded the western frontier.


  4. Village Gushan Mountain in ancient times built against an enemy warning beacon (also known as Beacon), the name of the village Yandun angle.


  5. Nigam contends that Clementi's friends should have been able to quickly alert Facebook.


  6. The officer says he fired warning shots over the heads of youths throwing stones at his patrol car, but witnesses say he did take aim.


  7. As Gaines drives, Kim tries to signal a driver stopped next to them. Gaines threatens her with a gun then locks her in the trunk.


  8. At present, they can shoot only if their life or that of others is in danger, after firing a warning shot.


  9. It is clearly a warning shot across China's bow. . . Putting pressure on China does seem to bring results.


  1. 警察鸣枪示警。

    The policeman fired a warning shot.

  2. 雾角鸣声示警。

    The foghorn boomed out its warning.

  3. 却还是有过敏的示警征兆。

    with the same telltale sign of allergies.

  4. 向骑自行车的人鸣喇叭示警

    sound the horn to alert a cyclist

  5. 军方拥有提供示警的必要信息。

    The military will have the information necessary to provide warnings.

  6. 用激光技术为迷航的飞行员示警

    Laser Technology to be Used to Warn Straying Pilots

  7. 她没有理会前方危险的示警标志。

    She had ignored the warning signs of trouble ahead.

  8. 鸣几枪示警, 然后撤退就行了。

    We fire some warning shots and run.

  9. 有危险的时候, 我们悬挂红旗示警。

    When there is a danger, we hang out the red flag.

  10. 示警有时是由武器使用者本身提供的。

    They are sometimes provided by the weapon users themselves.

  11. 瘟疫,则众所周知是由一阵红光示警的。

    Pestilence was known to have been foreboded by a shower of crimson light.

  12. 在小组撤离时, 守卫向空中鸣枪示警。

    As the mission withdrew, the guard fired warning shots into the air.

  13. 瘟疫,则人所周知是由一阵红光示警的。

    When there is a danger, we hang out the red flag.

  14. 能够做些什么来提高现有示警系统的效率?

    What can be done to improve the efficiency of the existing system of warning?

  15. 红外示警器就是您真正的安全守护神。

    Infrared ray is giving you real safe patron saint.

  16. 报纸指称说警察未经示警就枪杀那位嫌疑犯。

    The newspapers allege that the police shot the suspect without warning.

  17. 当船队接近海岸时, 两架战斗机飞近示警。

    Two fighters buzzed the convoy as it approached the coast.

  18. 要不是你示警, 那孩子可能会被车子压了。

    The boy might have been run over by the car bit for your alarm.

  19. 机车新型闪烁灯光示警系统的性能实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Performance of New Locomotive Flash Light Alerting System

  20. 当护航队接近海岸时,两架战斗机飞近示警。

    Two fighters buzzed the convoy as it approached the coast.

  21. 据说, 该名边防警察在呜枪示警之后对车开枪。

    After reportedly firing warning shots, the border guards shot at the car.

  22. 如今,分析师和投资者都在疯狂地挥舞着示警的红旗。

    Analysts and investors are now frantically waving cautionary red flags.

  23. 金姆趁这个机会试图逃脱, 警卫大声叫喊安德烈示警。

    Kim makes a run for it, as the guard calls for Andre.

  24. 巴勒斯坦诸邻国示警巴勒斯坦权力机构正处于崩溃边缘。

    Those close to it warn that the PA is on the verge of collapse.

  25. 每组的第三次瘟疫即没有预先示警,也没有任何指令。

    The third plague in each set has no forewarning and no introduction.

  26. 每组得第三次瘟疫即没有预先示警,也没有任何指令。

    The third plague in each set has no forewarning and no introduction.

  27. 他因考试作弊而受到处分,且处分必须留档以示警诫。

    He was punished for cheating on his exams and got markrecord to warn other people.

  28. 他因考试作弊而受到处分,且处分必须留档以示警诫。

    He was punished for cheating on his exams and got a black mark on his record to warn other people.

  29. 自动报警功能, 当系统出现故障时, 自动停机并示警, 安全可靠。

    Automatic alarming function, alarming and automatic stop when the system has the breakdown.

  30. 杰克抵达了医院, 向医院的保安示警, 让他们保护好珍妮特。

    Jack arrives at the hospital warning the security there to protect Janet.


  1. 问:示警拼音怎么拼?示警的读音是什么?示警翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示警的读音是shìjǐng,示警翻译成英文是 to give a warning; warn; alert




【拼音】:shì jǐng

【注音】:ㄕㄧˋ ㄐㄧㄥˇ

◎ 示警 shìjǐng[give a warning] 用动作或信号让人提高警觉鸣锣示警