


相似:好~。相(xiāng )~。~生(a.仿天然产物制成的工艺品;b.中国宋、元两代以说唱为业的女艺人)。比照人物做成的图形:画~。塑~。雕~。绣~。肖~。比如,比方:~这样的事是值得注意的。……


1. 夹 [jiā]2. 夹 [jiá]3. 夹 [gā]4. 夹 [xiá]夹 [jiā]从两旁钳住:使劲儿~住。两旁有物限制住,在两者之间:两山~一水。~峙。搀杂:~生饭。~杂。夹东西的器具:竹~子。~剪。卷(juǎn )~。夹 [ji……



汉语拼音:xiàng jiā






  1. 一种将照片夹在其中供陈设用的生活用品。多以玻璃或透明化学制品做成。

    郑文 《迷雾》三:“ 方玉桦 一眼便看见了写字台上一个玻璃像夹,她拿起像夹,急切地看着,手抖得很厉害。”



  1. It was a rather complex situation. No wonder he looked like an donkey between two bundles of hay.


  1. 他的头脑反应就像捕兽夹一样的敏捷。

    He's as sharp as a steel trap.

  2. 我们就像被夹在豆荚里的四颗豆子,飘摇不定。

    Rattling around like four peas in a pod.

  3. 在上衣每个兜里都装一排排列整齐的香蕉, 像子弹夹一样。

    Aligned bananas in each pocket of a jacket, like a cartridge clip.

  4. 像虎钳般夹得牢固

    firm as a vise

  5. 像被钳子夹紧了一样。

    clamped as in a vise.

  6. 就像红罂粟夹在高粱地里面。

    Like red poppies grown with corn.

  7. 像被钳子夹紧了一样。木头用钳夹固定住了。

    The wood is held in position by a clamp.

  8. 早期的眼镜看上去有点像剪刀,夹在鼻梁上。

    Early glasses acted a bit like scissors, pinched onto the bridge of the nose.

  9. 大腿外侧往里侧压,就像大腿之间夹一块瑜伽砖。

    Press your outer thighs inward, as if squeezing a block between your thighs.

  10. 早期的眼镜使用有点像剪刀,夹在鼻梁上,很痛。

    Early glasses acted a bit like scissors, pinched onto the bridge of the nose. Ouch.

  11. 早期的眼镜形状看上去有点像剪刀,夹在鼻梁上。

    Early glasses acted a bit like scissors, pinched onto the bridge of the nose. Ouch.

  12. 就像是三明治,夹在那两片面包间的肉才是最重要的。

    Like a sandwich, it is the meat between the slices of bread.

  13. 每次他们问他一个问题,他就像一只兔子夹在头灯。

    Each time they asked him a question, he was like a rabbit caught in the headlights.

  14. 对于最终用户,得到那条命令就像添加到收藏夹一样容易。

    For the end user, getting that command is as easy as bookmarking.

  15. 这个胡桃夹的形状像一个玩具士兵。

    It is shaped like a toy soldier.

  16. 早期的研究有点像剪刀,紧紧的夹在鼻梁上。

    Early glasses acted a bit like scissors, pinched onto the bridge of the nose.

  17. 没门,夹那东西就像拆炸弹

    Unhunh. Clipping those things is like defusing a bomb.

  18. 雨最终转化为雨夹雪, 就像在加拿大那样。

    Like the rain back in Canada that later turned to sleet.

  19. 骑士就夹在里面,像一根顺应水流的浮木。

    The knight went with it, a log caught in a current.

  20. 接着就夹着尾巴,像羚羊似的飞快地跑掉了。

    And then turned tail and ran like an antelope.

  21. 同心球所夹空间电场的电像法求解

    Solution of Space Electric Field Surrounding Two Common Centre Spheres by the Electric Image Method

  22. 像钢铁般、像老虎钳般、像斗牛犬般夹住或咬住不放

    A grip like iron, like a vice, like a bulldog, etc

  23. 用拇指及中指像拿着笔写字一样的姿势夹住在上方。

    Hold the bottom one between the thumb and set on the ring finger.

  24. 像拿起杯子那样拿起碗来喝汤,并用筷子将固体食物夹出。

    Drink the soup out of the bowl as if it were a cup, and fish out the solid food pieces with your chopsticks.

  25. 所以我们夹了不少生化科技进去,使它看起来像是真的。

    So we put quite a bit of biomechanical knowledge into this thing, and tried to make it as realistic as possible.

  26. 她嘴里满是衣夹, 但是双手张开, 像在表示一种呼喊。

    Her mouth was filled with clothespins, but her arms gave vent to a sort of exclamation.