











汉语拼音:rú láng mù yáng






  • 【解释】:如同狼放养羊一般。比喻官吏残酷地欺压人民。
  • 【出自】:《史记·酷吏列传》:“宁成为济南都尉,其治如狼牧羊。”
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. like a wolf shepherding sheep -- to rule the people oppressively;like a wolf shepherding the sheep -- oppression of the people by bad officials

  1. 青年成长时,食量大如狼。

    A growing youth has a wolf in his belly.

  2. 如饿狼冷对周围的荒野

    Go hungry and cold like the wolf

  3. 如苏武牧羊, 关河一望萧索, 莫干炼剑等。

    His representative works include Shepherd Su Wu and Mo Gan Playing Sword.

  4. 某些食肉动物如熊、狼、或狮子的幼儿。

    The young of certain carnivorous mammals such as the bear or wolf or lion.

  5. 幼兽某些食肉动物的幼仔,如熊、狼或狮。

    The young of certain carnivorous animals, such as the bear, wolf, or lion.

  6. 兽群一起跑并一起追捕的一群动物,如狗或狼

    A group of animals, such as dogs or wolves, that run and hunt together.

  7. 令人难以置信的是驯服的狼温顺如羊。

    It's incredible that the tame wolf as mild as a lamb.

  8. 令人难以置信的是驯服的狼温和如羊。

    Its incredible that the tame wolf is as mild as a lamb.

  9. 我可以叫出动物园里一些动物的名字, 如老虎, 狼, 狐狸等。

    I can name some animals in the zoo, such as tiger, wolf, fox and so on.

  10. 这个忘恩负义, 比中山狼还不如的东西!

    This ungrateful, lousier than the Zhong Shan Lang thing!

  11. 末日迫近,每个狼人都如困兽一般。

    As the Final Days approach, every werewolf is needed desperately.

  12. 哺乳动物的幼仔, 如小狗或小狼

    a young offspring of a mammal, such as a dog or wolf

  13. 幼兽哺乳动物的幼仔, 如小狗或小狼

    A young offspring of a mammal, such as a dog or wolf.

  14. 各种犬齿类动物的幼儿, 如小狗或小狼。

    young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf.

  15. 有些温血动物, 如猫, 狗或狼, 不需要冬眠。

    Some warmblooded animals, like the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate.

  16. 它们已习惯了大型无毒动物,如狼和熊。

    They're used to large nontoxic animals, like wolves and bears.

  17. 他们离开牧羊狗以后,狼来到羊羔跟前一口吞掉了他。

    Soon after they had left the dogs, the wolf came at the lamb and ate it up. For some time he succeeded in deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.

  18. 看一眼狼蛛还不如被它直接咬一口。

    The tarantulas appearance is worse than its bite.

  19. 一粒麦子是转基因的草种,正如狮子狗是转基因的狼。

    A wheat grain is a genetically modified grass seed, just as a pekinese is a genetically modified wolf.

  20. 异种生物, 如猴子, 蛇, 甚至狼与某些美洲人成了一家。

    Foreign creatures, such as monkeys, snakes and even wolves, find a home with some Americans.

  21. 其它夜食动物如麝香猫,獴和土狼也偶尔发出这种声音。

    Other nocturnal solitary predators such as civets, mongooses and even hyenas are known to purr occasionally.