







汉语拼音:guī quàn







  1. 规诫劝勉。

    唐 权德舆 《祗役江西路上以诗代书寄内》:“笑言思暇日,规劝多远度。”《红楼梦》第一一七回:“倒是 彩云 时常规劝,反被 贾环 辱駡。” 郁达夫 《春风沉醉的晚上》:“她的黑晶晶水汪汪的眼睛里,似乎是满含着责备我规劝我的意思。”



  1. He remonstrated to his wife that she was too careless.

  2. Only once did the regime crack her resolve, in 1988, when it persuaded her to leave the country for a six-month stay in Britain.

  3. If it's not up to snuff, act quickly to counsel them and work out a plan for bringing performance up to acceptable levels.

  4. The friar took the advantage to expostulate with him on the unmanly weakness which he had shown.

  5. It behooves you, therefore, to exhort her to repentance, and to confession, as a proof and consequence thereof.

  6. He was an exhorter, all right, and I was caught in the crude, insane eloquence of his plea.

  7. His wife persuaded him to forsake his old drinking habits.

  8. Loves you truly the girl, can take great pains admonishes you to stop smoking, even if she knew this is not the impossible matter.

  9. So it was that soon after the queen's death at the age of 45 in 1683, Louis was persuaded that he should no longer live in sin.


  1. 他规劝长辈。

    He exhorted his elder.

  2. 规劝某人改正

    remonstrate with against.

  3. 规劝某人行为检点

    put sb. on his best behavior

  4. 他的规劝带有警告。

    He accompanied the advice with a warning.

  5. 法官规劝他改变生活方式

    The judge advised him to amend his way of living

  6. 我避免责备,少作规劝。

    I eschewed upbraiding, I curtailed remonstrance.

  7. 我们应当重视父母的规劝。

    We should set much store on the advice of our parents.

  8. 我们的老师规劝我们好好学习。

    Our teacher gives us exhortation to study hard.

  9. 听从规劝的, 必获得机智。

    He who ignores correction despises himself, he who heeds the reprimand acquires discernment.

  10. 她就赌博的害处规劝丈夫。

    She expostulated with her husband about the evils of gambling.

  11. 她母亲就赌博的害处规劝她。

    Her mother expostulated with her about the evils of gambling.

  12. 你应该重视我们父母的规劝。

    You should set much by the advice of our parents.

  13. 我们规劝窃贼向警方投案自首。

    We advised the burglar to surrender himself to the police.

  14. 能接受规劝, 更是有德有量。

    If we can accept others'remonstrance, we are both virtuous and tolerant.

  15. 他规劝他的朋友上班不要迟到。

    He admonished his friend not to be late for work.

  16. 他妻子规劝他改掉酗酒的旧习。

    His wife persuaded him to forsake his old drinking habits.

  17. 关于他的行为我们已经规劝过他。

    We have reasoned with him as to his conduct.

  18. 一种规劝遁世青年的宗教牧师。

    a kind of guru for the young who were dropping out

  19. 我们对他应该采取规劝的态度。

    We should adopt an attitude of persuasion towards him.

  20. 对于长辈的规劝,我们不应轻视。

    We should not set light by the advice of our seniors.

  21. 关于他的行为我已规劝过他了。

    I have reasoned with him as to his conduct.

  22. 规劝的鼓舞的, 刺激的或劝告的行动或趋向

    Acting or intended to encourage, incite, or advise.

  23. 谈警察规劝性言语的得体性

    The Antagonism and Tactics Communicationed Information in Criminal Investigatory Interrogative Statement

  24. 所以,能规劝人,固然是有才有德

    If we are able to exhort and remonstrate with others, we have both talent and virtue.

  25. 对于长辈的规劝, 我们是不该忽视的。

    We should not set light by the advice of our seniors.

  26. 另外, 还有一些嘲讽和规劝的声音。

    Moreover, but also has some taunts and the admonishment sound.

  27. 别训诫我有关忍耐的大道理别规劝我要忍耐。

    Dont preach me a lesson about patience.

  28. 关于这一点伯里先生还规劝过他。

    Mr. Perry had remonstrated with him about it.

  29. 在2010年,笼统的关注和规劝是不够的。

    In2010, generalized concerns and exhortations will not suffice.

  30. 我毫不犹豫地接受了他的善意规劝。

    I accepted his kind advice without any hesitation.


  1. 问:规劝拼音怎么拼?规劝的读音是什么?规劝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:规劝的读音是guīquàn,规劝翻译成英文是 remonstrate

  2. 问:规劝地拼音怎么拼?规劝地的读音是什么?规劝地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:规劝地的读音是,规劝地翻译成英文是 hortatively




【拼音】guī quàn

【英译】 [admonish;advise;give advice to]
