







汉语拼音:shì kǒu







  1. 适合口味。

    《宋书·孔琳之传》:“所甘不过一味,而陈必方丈,适口之外,皆为悦目之费。” 唐 杜甫 《病橘》诗:“纷然不适口,岂只存其皮。” 明 焦竑 《玉堂丛语·刺毁》:“ 丘文庄 自製饼,软腻适口。”《孽海花》第七回:“我们并不叫局,不过借他船坐坐舒服些,用他菜吃吃适口些。”



  1. He added that the paper had not provided information about the productivity or palatability of the new cassava strain.


  2. It can enhance the food quantity of the weaning pig through good palatableness , so can gain the weight in a week after weaning .


  3. Also, lactation feeds may contain added fat, animals by-products, or other additives that reduce palatability.


  4. Methods Using select-feeding method to determine the palatability of the poison bait and the laboratory deratization effect.


  5. In the mouth the wine shows agreeable tannins and a fruity forward style with sweet, strawberry fruit characters.


  6. Excellent Palatability The food contains natural feeding attractant and fresh chicken meat , which improve the palatability to the supreme .


  7. Boil seasoning with speculation and theory, "the flavor" and "Five reconcile, " "Heaven accordingly, " "palatability to Zhen. "


  8. Conclusion The poison bait made by Bromadiolone had good palatability and good effects on killing rats. It should be generalized.


  9. This pickled vegetables fresh color, flavor through, brackish palatability, and pleasant fragrance.


  1. 广东菜清淡适口。

    The Cantonese food is light.

  2. 提高适口性,低灰。

    Enhances palatability, low ash.

  3. 他做的饭菜美味适口。

    The dishes he made are delicious and suit my taste.

  4. 其味道酸甜适口,营养丰富。

    Palatability of its sweet and sour taste and rich nutrition.

  5. 那是甘旨适口的一餐。

    That is a tasty meal.

  6. 酸甜适口,有酵香味,无异味

    With Sweet, Acid and Fermental Smell Agreeable To The Taste. Without Any Peculiar Smell

  7. 石榴汁酸甜适口,颇受人们欢迎。

    Pomegranate juice is equipped with palatability, popular people welcome.

  8. 美味,适口性好,爱不释口。

    Delicious, good palatability, enjoy your cats.

  9. 海水土池育苗适口饵料生物培育技术

    Rearing Techniques of Palatable Bait Organism in Earth Ponds with Seawater

  10. 待茶汤冷热适口时, 即可举杯品味。

    Palatability to be hot and cold tea, they can toast taste.

  11. 无分男女, 齐来坐, 适口酸盐各一瓯。

    Men and women, Come sit, the salt taste of a cup.

  12. 其色泽艳丽,形态优美,味道适口,营养丰富。

    Its color is bright, with elegant shape, palatable taste and rich nutrition.

  13. 粤菜清淡适口,而京菜则味重香浓。

    Cantonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.

  14. 广东菜清淡适口,而北京菜则味重香浓。

    Contonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.

  15. 入口糯中发香, 略有甜辣味, 鲜嫩适口。

    The entrance glutinous sends the fragrance, has slightly sweetly hot, fresh and tender palatable.

  16. 草鱼, 鳊对南方几种牧草的适口性评价研究

    Evaluation of Forages Palatability for Grass Carp and White Bream in Mountain Area of South China

  17. 味美适口,肥而不腻,吃后余香久存不散。

    Taste palatability, fat but not too sweet to eat after the lingering fragrance that lingers on JiuCun.

  18. 本公司选取的金桔果实个大质优 甜适口,色泽金黄。

    People like to eat or preserve fresh kumquat that is big, sweet and sour.

  19. 这种腌制菜色泽鲜嫩、香味透人、咸淡适口、清香宜人。

    This pickled vegetables fresh color, flavor through, brackish palatability, and pleasant fragrance.

  20. 不同饵料毒饵对黑线姬鼠的适口性及灭鼠效果

    Sapidity and Rat Destruction Effect of Different Poison Bait on Apodemus aqrarius Pallas

  21. 饲料原料中霉菌及霉菌毒素对饲料产品适口性的影响

    Influence of mould and mycotoxin on palatability of feed product in raw materials

  22. 异育银鲫鱼苗和鱼种饲料适口粒径大小初步试验

    A Preliminary Study on the Proper Feed Particle Size for Crucian Carp Fry and Fingerling

  23. 牛饲料用干玉米秸秆营养分布规律及适口性研究

    Dry Corn Stalk Nutrient Distribution and Palatability Selection

  24. 库车杏不仅肉厚味浓,酸甜适口,连杏核也是甜的。

    Kuche apricot meat meat is not only strong, sweet and sour taste, even it is sweet.

  25. 结论该药适口性好,毒杀效果好,具有推广应用价值。

    Conclusion The poison bait made by Bromadiolone had good palatability and good effects on killing rats. It should be generalized.

  26. 产品适口性好,能帮助您的爱物获取最好,最佳的营养。

    Provide good palatability for pets to intake optimal nutrients and amount.

  27. 以毒杀率和摄食系数评价各种药物的毒效和适口性。

    The toxicity and palatability of tested rodenticides was evaluated with killing rate and feed coefficient.

  28. 结论经现场灭鼠实验,对鼠的适口性较好,安全性也好。

    Conclusion Field experiment on rodents proves that it is palatable and also secure to human, so it is applicable.

  29. 在口中该酒呈现出适口的丹宁和甜的,草莓水果的特点。

    In the mouth the wine shows agreeable tannins and a fruity forward style with sweet, strawberry fruit characters.

  30. 作为幼虾开口饵料的蛋白原料,提高适口性及生长速度。

    As the protein raw material of young shrimp, enhances palatableness and the growth speed.


  1. 问:适口拼音怎么拼?适口的读音是什么?适口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:适口的读音是shìkǒu,适口翻译成英文是 Be agreeable to the taste.

  2. 问:适口性拼音怎么拼?适口性的读音是什么?适口性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:适口性的读音是shì kǒu xìng,适口性翻译成英文是 palatability

  3. 问:适口的拼音怎么拼?适口的的读音是什么?适口的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:适口的的读音是shì kǒu de,适口的翻译成英文是 palatable

  4. 问:适口干草拼音怎么拼?适口干草的读音是什么?适口干草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:适口干草的读音是shìkǒugāncǎo,适口干草翻译成英文是 palatable hay

  5. 问:适口禾草拼音怎么拼?适口禾草的读音是什么?适口禾草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:适口禾草的读音是shìkǒuhécǎo,适口禾草翻译成英文是 palatable grasses