




1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……



汉语拼音:hòu jiǎo








  1. 指有四肢的脊椎动物长在后面的两只脚。亦指人行走时在后面的一只脚。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·濡水》:“ 始皇 转马还,前脚犹立,后脚随崩。” 唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》:“先须捺后脚,然使勒前腰。”

  2. 与前脚连言时借指紧跟在后面或时间紧接着。

    《醒世姻缘传》第二一回:“ 徐大爷 没有做一百年的理!等 徐大爷 前脚去了,后脚再看啦!” 冰心 《冬儿姑娘》:“她前脚进门,后脚就有两个大兵追着。”



  1. Each diagonal pair of legs is raised and returned to the ground alternatively, with the forelegs aligned on the same track as the hind legs.


  2. On the front foot foot train, just one door, the door is closed, then the train started.


  3. When he swims, a beaver holds his unwebbed front feet up close to his body, and pushes out with his webbed rear ones.


  4. Feet travel close to the ground. Hind legs reach far under, meeting or even passing the imprints of the front legs.


  5. You start preparing it. It has no big claw on its hind foot. It doesn't look like a Velociraptor.


  6. That moron was trying to get his dog to stand on its two hind legs by repeatedly smacking and hitting it.


  7. He is a regular visitor and when he arrives, shortly after I do, he is offered his "usual" table among the dark wood and paper screens.


  8. To appear more natural when standing for a photo, lean slightly back, with your weight on your rear foot, and angle one hip forward.


  9. Mr Obama placed bet one as soon as he arrived in office, by staking what will add up to a cool $1 trillion on economic stimulus.


  1. 就里,看后脚,看我的后脚

    Here. Back foot, back foot. Okay, up there?

  2. 你前脚走,她后脚就到了。

    She arrived the moment you had left.

  3. 用后脚站立和跳华尔兹舞。

    Rampant regardant standing on his hind legs and dancing the waltz.

  4. 袋鼠是用它的后脚在跳。

    The kangaroo uses its back legs to jump.

  5. 前脚一滑,后脚也站不稳。

    As the front foot slipped; the rear foot became unsteady.

  6. 我前脚接项目, 后脚就得接投诉。

    Then I foreleg project rear foot would then complaints.

  7. 你前脚儿走, 他后脚就来了。

    He arrived the moment you had left.

  8. 我前脚到车站,他后脚就赶到了。

    Immediately after I got to the station; he arrived.

  9. 同时移动身体重心到后脚的脚掌

    Now same time we transfering our body weight on the bone of the foot of the back leg

  10. 不要让你的后脚外侧离开地板。

    Don't let the outer edge of your back foot come off the floor.

  11. 它后脚上的腺体能分泌出毒液来。

    The glands on its hind feet can secrete poisonous fluid.

  12. 它的后脚没有大型爪子, 看起来不像迅猛龙。

    You start preparing it. It has no big claw on its hind foot. It doesnt look like a Velociraptor.

  13. 瞧这寸劲儿,你前脚才走,他后脚就来了。

    As luck would have it, he turned up just after you left.

  14. 北半球的蟾蜍,其每只后脚上有突出的铲状角。

    burrowing toad of the northern hemisphere with a horny spadelike projection on each hind foot.

  15. 使用你后腿的所有重量并上提拉进后脚的外侧。

    Use the entire weight of your back leg and hip to push into the outside of your back foot.

  16. 每只前脚中的一个脚趾和每只后脚中的三个脚趾上有爪子。

    On one toe of each front foot it had a claw and on three toes of each back foot it had claws.

  17. 马脚应当充分抬起, 后脚应当走在和前脚一样的直线上。

    The feet should be well raised and the hind legs remain well in line with the front legs.

  18. 德约科维奇的后脚也开始发力, 并且他的髋部向前顶。

    Djokovic is also pushing off the toes of his back foot and starting to open up his hips.

  19. 而这一招,在向下滑时有点不顺畅,注意看我的后脚。

    This one, a little sketchy going backwards, and watch the back foot, watch the back foot.

  20. 转动你的头,看着自己的肩膀,慢慢把自身的重量移到后脚上。

    Turn your head and look over your shoulder. Gently put your weight on back foot.

  21. 当你压后脚的外侧向下时,始终有上提外侧脚踝的感觉。

    While you are pressing the outer edge of your rear foot down, still have the feeling of drawing up on your rear outer ankle.

  22. 将猪后脚用刀破瓣,再每隔1厘米横砍一刀至骨断皮连。

    Pig valve broken rear foot with a knife, and then every 1 cm bone Hengkan to blow off even the skin.

  23. 一只脚后侥幸逃脱。

    He escaped a broken foot.

  24. 恐怖由四周来恐吓他,在他脚后紧紧跟踪他。

    Fears shall terrify him on every side, and shall entangle his feet.

  25. 抬起脚后, 我发现鞋底粘着一个价签。

    I did as she had told me. There was a label on the bottom of my shoe.

  26. 倒踩脚踏板向后踩脚踏板,以便刹车

    To pedal backward, in order to brake it.

  27. 对短跑途中跑支撑脚后蹬扒地技术的初步探讨

    Discussion on the Technique of Pressing Down the Supporting Foot Backward to Hold on to Ground in Dash

  28. 当马桶内装入一些水后,脚离开进水阀门踏板。

    After the toilet bowl is filled with with some flush water release the flush water valve.

  29. 脚骨折后会不会留下后遗症?

    Can sequela stay after crural fracture

  30. 在朝边境长途跋涉后他们的脚上都起满了疱并流着血。

    Their feet were blistered and bleeding after the long walk to the border.


  1. 问:后脚拼音怎么拼?后脚的读音是什么?后脚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后脚的读音是hòujiǎo,后脚翻译成英文是 the rear foot; right behind

  2. 问:后脚急停拼音怎么拼?后脚急停的读音是什么?后脚急停翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后脚急停的读音是hòu jiǎo jí tíng,后脚急停翻译成英文是 rear foot stop



hòu jiǎo (後脚) 1.指有四肢的脊椎动物长在后面的两只脚。亦指人行走时在后面的一只脚。 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·濡水》:“ 始皇 转马还,前脚犹立,后脚随崩。” 唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》:“先须捺后脚,然使勒前腰。” 2.与前脚连言时借指紧跟在后面或时间紧接着。《醒世姻缘传》第二一回:“ 徐大爷 没有做一百年的理!等 徐大爷 前脚去了,后脚再看啦!” 冰心 《冬儿姑娘》:“她前脚进门,后脚就有两个大兵追着。”