



  1. 美好的滋味;可口的食品。

    《汉书·扬雄传下》:“美味期乎合口,上声调於比耳。” 南朝 梁简文帝 《七励》:“陈晨鳬之美味,荐雋鷰之肥甜。” 唐 杜甫 《拨闷》诗:“已办青钱防雇直,当令美味入吾唇。”



  1. It was the most delicious salad that she had ever tasted. Even better than the one at Caesar Place.


  2. Anything and everything, from a good cheese to a fine wine, today comes packaged with a booklet.


  3. Arrival of the campsite, we measured our food, and began to enjoy our captures, the delicious rice porridge with oysters and potherbs.


  4. The moment when Country Mouse was about to eat a delicious chicken leg, the door suddenly opened and a woman came into the room.


  5. The plate has always been a great fortifier. Soup to heal, stew to comfort, escape delivered in a good piece of chocolate.


  6. enough to be grateful to your Highness for the delicious food with which you hve fed me daily.


  7. Or treat yourself with little things like a little bit of dark chocolate or berries. Yum.


  8. Thank you, Chuck and Rachel, for inviting me to share this delicious meal with you and all your friends.


  9. We make delicious food, to do cleaning, laundry, obedient husband , wholeheartedly love husband, to take care of him.


  1. 美味的午餐

    a scrumptious lunch.

  2. 美味的搭配呢

    Delectable combination?

  3. 美味的手工面包。

    Delicious,homemade artisan bread.

  4. 特别美味的食物。

    Something extremely pleasing to taste or smell anomaly n.

  5. 美味的可可米花。

    Cocoa Puffs are a delicious.

  6. 她调制美味的汤。

    She concocts wonderful soup.

  7. 美味的可可米花。

    Cocoa Puffs are a delicious.

  8. 这真是美味的食品。

    It is really a dainty food.

  9. 正餐前美味的冷盘

    a dainty dish to set before a dinner

  10. 美味的乾霍克酒。

    a fine dry hock

  11. 美味的食物肯定有用

    good food will definitely help.

  12. 美味的割口迷花。

    Pocoa Cuffs are a delicious.

  13. 美味的割口迷花。

    Pocoa Cuffs are a delicious.

  14. 品尝起来可口的美味的

    Greatly pleasing to the tastedelicious.

  15. 美味的苹果香蕉橙子。

    That is delicious apple banana orange.

  16. 我美味的食物来了。

    Here comes my tasty food.

  17. 像各式各样美味的糖果

    It tastes like different kinds of candies

  18. 这是多麽美味的菜肴。

    Was not that a dainty dish.

  19. 你是我美味的痛苦。

    You are to me a delicious torment.

  20. 蔬菜也可以是美味的。

    Veggies can be tasty as well.

  21. 他们是很好吃的,美味的。

    They're tasty and yummy.

  22. 虾子是很美味的海鲜。

    Shrimp is a very delicious seafood.

  23. 咸味的面包, 美味的菜肴

    Bread seasoned with salt, delectable dish,

  24. 真是美味的一道菜,好吃好吃

    Oh, well, there's a tasty morsel. Yum, yum.

  25. 我喜欢葡萄,它是美味的。

    I like grapes. It's tasty.

  26. 你们会吃上美味的饺子。

    You will enjoy our delicious dumplings.

  27. 为我们准备了美味的食物

    for the fantastic food, huh?

  28. 一大堆美味的炸薯条

    Lots and lots o'chips.

  29. 如何炸出酥脆美味的猪排?

    How do we make crispy pork chop?

  30. 多么美味的食物!但是贵了!

    What delicious food! But it was expensive.


  1. 问:美味的拼音怎么拼?美味的的读音是什么?美味的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:美味的的读音是,美味的翻译成英文是 palatable