





  1. Her blonde hair was matted, and I noticed that she was shivering in her thin little sleeveless blouse.


  2. garment, often having buttons down the front, worn usually over a shirt or blouse and sometimes as part of a three-piece suit.


  3. They turned their pinafores back to front, and went up with a skip and a jump; Moppet's white tucker fell down into the road.


  4. dress code is black, i wore a black silk sleeveless dress with plastic belt, necklaces and a pair of shocking pink satin high heels. . .


  5. Earlier this year, First Lady Michelle Obama took some heat for wearing a sleeveless shift dress in her official White House portrait.


  6. Moppet and Mittens walked down the garden path unsteadily. Presently they trod upon their pinafores and fell on their noses.


  7. He wears a white Adidas sleeveless shirt, the elastic band inside looses its flexibility, so it must be an old one.


  8. No problem. How about this long sleeveless one? It has side slits. It's very traditional.


  9. Dress appropriately. Jeans, shorts, short skirts, sandals, T-shirts, etc. , do not help make a good impression.


  1. 无袖连衣裙

    sleeveless dress.

  2. 无袖汗背心

    sleeveless undershirt.

  3. 无袖内衬衣

    sleeveless vest.

  4. 莉莉总是穿无袖洋装。

    Lily always wears sleeveless dresses.

  5. 无袖短锁子甲

    A short,sleeveless coat of mail.

  6. 女式无袖连衫裙

    chemise frock

  7. 肩扣无袖外长衣

    buckle shoulder jumper

  8. 花式针织无袖卫生衫

    fancy knit sleeveless sweater

  9. 条纹绒布无袖外长衣

    cotton pinwale corduroy jumper

  10. 花式提花无袖卫生衫

    fancy jacquard knit sleeveless sweater

  11. 前身钉钮无袖外长衣

    button front jumper

  12. 用毛皮剪裁的无袖外衣。

    A sleeveless cloak that is lined or trimmed with fur.

  13. 女子着一袭无袖的旗袍。

    The lady was in a sleeveless cheongsam.

  14. 他看起来很喜欢无袖的背心。

    He seems have a liking for sleeveless jumpers.

  15. 浮力或充气设计的无袖的夹克。

    A sleeveless jacket of buoyant or inflatable design.

  16. 她身穿一袭无袖真丝连衣裙。

    She wore a sleeveless silk dress.

  17. 像斗篷但比斗篷短的无袖外衣。

    a sleeveless garment like cloak but shorter.

  18. 这是穿无袖连衣裙的时候了。

    This is the season for sleeveless dresses.

  19. 用毛织布做的宽松无袖外衣

    a loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth

  20. 穿在上衣里的男式无袖衣服。

    A man's sleeveless garment worn underneath a coat.

  21. 现在是穿无袖连衣裙得时候了。

    This is the season for sleeveless dresses.

  22. 长罩衫一种素色的有袖或无袖的长罩衫

    A long, plain, sleeved or sleeveless blouse.

  23. 她的无袖连衣裙下部有一个补丁。

    Her jumper had a darn at the bottom.

  24. 是条无袖的长裙,上面有黑色的纽扣。

    It's the sleeveless dress with the black buttons.

  25. 紧身胸衣原为女式在无袖紧身短胸衣。

    A short, sleeveless bodice, formerly worn by women.

  26. t恤能比无袖外套更好地保护你。

    A T-shirt protects you better than a sleeveless top.

  27. 这里我加上了一件无袖的清凉装。

    Here I added a sleeveless shirt hole.

  28. 这里我加上了一件无袖得清凉装。

    Here I added a sleeveless shirt hole.

  29. 牧师主持弥撒时穿的一种无袖长袍

    a long sleeveless vestment worn by a priest when celebrating Mass

  30. 你穿上这件无袖连衣裙显的好高贵。

    Sleeveless dress looks really classy on you.


  1. 问:无袖短衫拼音怎么拼?无袖短衫的读音是什么?无袖短衫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:无袖短衫的读音是wúxiùduǎnshān,无袖短衫翻译成英文是 tank top